HRI-transparent city-open ahjo-29112013



Speednetworking session presentation at Eurocities 2013 Ghent by Helsinki Region Infoshare about creating a transparent city with open data.

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Creating a Transparent City

Eurocities 2013 – Speednetworking session - Ghent Tanja Lahti & Ville Meloni

City of Helsinki Urban Facts & Forum Virium Helsinki Easy to find, access and utilize open


Helsinki Region Infoshare is managed by the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen.

•  Geographical data such as addresses , administrative boundaries, aerial photos and historical maps

•  Issue reporting API to City of Helsinki (CitySDK project)

•  Health and wellbeing related data •  Public decision making data

Follow: and @HRInfoshare for open data updates

Example of 2013 data themes

Our Dream: Fully Transparent and Open City

”Open data will bring the biggest change

in public administration that I have experienced during my career”

-Mr. Jussi Pajunen, Mayor of Helsinki

Helsinki’s electronic document management system - Ahjo

•  System for preparing public agendas for decision making

•  City Council, City Board, City Departments and their steering committees (over 5.000 users)

Ahjo is now Open! •  Helsinki’s public agenda and

decision documents as open data = Open Ahjo

• •


•  Enables new applications and services that bring decision making closer to citizens

See also: City council meetings video API

Minutes/agendas description information in xml-structure <DescriptionInformationOpenDocument> <Header>text</Header> <Dnro> <DnroShort>String</DnroShort> <DnroTformat>String</DnroTformat> <DnroRunningNumber>String</DnroRunningNumber> <DnroYear>String</DnroYear> </Dnro> <Reference>1967-08-13</Reference> <TaskClass>String</TaskClass> <DocumentaryData>String</DocumentaryData> <DocumentType>String</DocumentType> <PublicityClass <PublicityClassId="String">String</PublicityClass> <Languagy LanguaguId="String">String</Language> <Decision-maker Decision-makerId="String">String</Decision-maker> <Business BusinessId="String">String</Business> <Office OfficeId="String">String</Office> <Department DepartmentId="String">String</Department> <Presenter PresenterId="String">String</Presenter> <Preparer PreparerId="String">String</Preparer> <OfficeHolder OfficeHolderId="String">String</OfficeHolder> <Status_of_the_case>String</Status_of_the_case> <Status_of_the_document>String</Status_of_the_document> <Personal_data>text</Personal_data> <Additional_data>String</Additional_data> <ArticleNumber_of_the_agenda>text</ArticleNumber_of_the_agenda> <X-coordinates>text</X-coordinates> <Y-coordinates>text</Y-coordinates> <Data_system_index>String</Data_system_index> <Index_termt>String</Index_termt> <MeetingTunniste>String</MeetingTunniste> <Article>String</Article> <Decision_Date>String</Decision_Date>

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Helsinki Developer Portal http://dev.hel.f


Open Helsinki – - community project in progress to create better UI to decision items and to increase the dialogue between citizens and politicians

Ahjo Explorer mobile application: “Follow Helsinki’s political decision making whenever and wherever”

•  Mitä jo on tehty unelman saavuttamiseksi •  Mitä seuraavaksi tehtäisiin

Hmm.. at the moment they are planning to do some changes to the land use plan

of this area.. Interesting - should I participate?

I see.. This brandnew bicycle corridor was decided x.x.20xx by the City

Council and budget was xx euros.. I´ll send positive feedback!

Ordinary day in the near future

Helsingin kaupungin aineistopankki/Lauri Mannermaa

Make it easier for citizens, politicians

and civil servants to have a dialogue via social media

A:Today we are handling

new bicycle-road case xx-yy-zz Q: Could you tell me more

about this case? A: Sure!

Realtime access to local and relevant decision topics:

”What is being decided in my neighborhood?”

Open Ahjo – Use cases for the data

Encouraging citizen participation:

”City is building

a new library here in 2016. I could tell them my ideas on how

to spend the budget”

“Our dream is that every public agenda, every euro and any public issue could be easily

analyzed, visualized, understood and contributed to

by the citizens in advance.”

HRI won 100 000 € to make this dream a reality!

How we will spend the EUR 100.000 •  Open more data and develop

interoperability of the different datasets to match with Open Ahjo

•  Work with various users in creating real-life use cases for the data

•  Encourage the creation of prototype applications and visualizations that showcase the usage of the data

•  Disseminate learnings so others can replicate it

Examples of datasets to match with Open Ahjo: •  Population statistics and estimates •  Administrative boundaries •  City financial data •  City service point data •  Real estate and land use data •  Environmental data •  City issue reporting data

Discussion topics: •  What do you think about about our dream – i.e.

will it really enhance democracy? •  Your advice to us for implementing this? •  Anything similar going on in your city – could we


THANK YOU! Tanja Lahti & Ville Meloni
