How to Get Customer Insights on Game Testing


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How to Get Customer Insights on Game Testing

So you are ready to launch your new gaming application but are you sure if it is going to be received by the real, targeted people?

Browser games and applications usually have a goal beyond the entertaining the player, buying user credits, invite friends or upgrade to the premium version. PC and console games have the luxury of complex characters, storylines, or large scale worlds.

However, with millions of games online and in the app store, your game has to quickly pack a punch to distinguish itself and keep your players coming back.

Not only your game should make a robust first impression, but should also have a high replay value.

To make sure that you have got all your bases covered, it’s a good idea to run game testing services on your game to get feedback from the real people.

Let’s read on a few things to consider when testing a new game application:

1. Decide what version of your game you want to test, and on what platform.

You can test any game that can be played on a mobile device or a desktop and test each stage of the game lifecycle.

If your game is available on multiple operating systems or platforms, we recommend giving each version its own round of testing. This is important especially if the game enables multiplayer and multichannel gameplay.

2. Think about what you want to test.

Are you trying to gain insights on what users like and dislike about your game?

Are you interested in restructuring the first-time user experience?

Or you have already identified your pain points, and want to get some rich examples of users responding to them.

Below are some sample problems and objectives you can test:

The first time user experience and if the new users understand the interface, controls, gameplay elements, and reward/ level system.

The experience of launching/ downloading, creating/ registering an account, and playing the first few levels of the game.

3. Decide on the best methodology for answering your research questions.Don’t forget that you can also integrate longitudinal research, benchmarking, and Omni channel testing into your research and design process.

Example 1: When and why do users drop off or give up on playing the game?Possible methodologies:

If you know where during gameplay users drop off, you can observe users playing the game until after the known drop-off point. This may take the form of a moderate or long-running session.

If you are not sure where the drop-off occurs, or if it takes place after a certain period of time, then you can choose to do some longitudinal study. Users play game as they normally would and recount their experiences every day or every time they play the game. You can follow up with a restrained interview to ask about their experience.

Example 2: Do users understand the game features, such as controls, the levels, reward system, and other elements?

Let the gamers of your intended segment play the game as they normally would. Let them go through a number of levels and provide feedback as they normally would, then take some time to probe on the specific features or concerns.

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We are a CMMi5 accredited quality assurance company with an extensive experience in various testing techniques.
