How to Create Google Alerts



How to create Google Alerts and for what they can be used! Video:

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Marion Mehreryour

Online Marketing Coach

How to Create Google Alerts

Email: marionlist@aweber.comBlog: marionmehrer.comFacebook: marion.mehrer

Video: How to Create Google Alerts

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Use Google Alerts to:1. Find viral blog content2. Know what your competition is doing3. Be one of 1st to learn when new job title, etc. posted4. See how your content is showing up on Google.5. Know what members in your program/business are doing to promote & market6. See/learn how to build email list, get traffic, etc. 7. Get niche content8. Get ANY content you're interested in - As soon as it's posted online - (i.e. iphone 5, mlm's in pre-launch, etc.)

Action Step #1: Create Alert(s)

1. Go to - Login to your google account (if not already logged in)

2. Alert content strategy: - Number of alerts you need? - Determine what what content you need

3. Alert management strategy: - Separate email account - Personal choice - Email filters: - Pro: easier to find content - Pro: doesn't fill up email inbox with alerts - Pro: Alerts automatically sent into email folders (labels) - Con: More upfront set up time -

Action Step #2: "Search Field"

Search Field:

1. Be very specific

2. Look for results to the right

3. Change until: - get desired results

4. Create variations of an alert - to give different content


Action Step #3: "Result Type"

Alert Result: "email list building"

Create 4-5 alerts - i.e. email list building

- Can create individual for: - News - Blogs - Video - Discussions

Action Step #4: "How


How Often:

How Often: - Mostly use once/day

- Time Sensitive: - "As it happens"

- Job hunting or

- Needing to hire VA

Action Step #5: "How Many"

How Many:

Test both options - Use: "Only best results"

- Content very specific - Recommend: "All Results" - Example: - Need a new job? - Alert: specific job title

Thanks for watching

Marion MehrerYour Online Marketing Coach

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