How to come up with ideas



Presentation used at Leanstartup Circle Bangalore Nov 14 meetup on generating ideas.

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How to come up with Ideas@mtrajan, @mohanmax

Agenda• Some Discussion• Exercise

Ideas are worthless, it is all about the execution

An idea can change the world

Truth is somewhere in between

Ideas are multiplier of execution


Idea is – a concept that lies in the middle of two other concepts or, put simply – the connection

between two concepts.

Why this discussion in LeanStartup

What LeanStartup helps do

Vision ?

Problem ?

Solution ?

Beneficiary ?


Idea Anatomy


Ideation discussion in LeanStartup Meetup ?

Good starting point reduces the chance of getting stuck at a local maxima

First idea is not always the best


To have a good idea you need lots of idea

Linus Pauling

Most of them will be wrong, and what you have to learn is which ones to throw away


Some ideas surface only after peeling an existing one enough


Ambitious idea have same success probability then less ambitious one


One person’s craziness is another person’s brilliant idea


Exercise• Part 1

• Ideation Worksheet (thanks to RobFitz)• Part 2

• ShortList based on your own goodness criteria.

Some crevices where ideas lay hidden

Redefinition of customer segment

User Behaviour change

New technology introduction that alter the economics or power equation

Regulation Change

Other ways to jot the dot

Resource based - What I have or know ?

In customer shoes - What pain do they go through ?

In the crevices of the boundary of two business units in an enterprise

Attack of the clones,

Replace yourself – automate

Which industry is software eating (in your geography)

Remove a step in a process in life.

What is needed to support if an trend becomes true.

Now finally What is good for you ?

Part 2

Remember ‘Funding’ is the oil needed to execute



Strong Idea weakly held



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