How technology is shaping the way customers engage with your brands


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Richard Dean Anderson

Millennials are considerably more engaged with digital

technology and social media than older generations.

Wherever a customer goes, so does his/her mobile device!

Welcome to the mobile experience economy!



Have a mobile business strategy

Have a mobile business strategy

It’s beyond having an app

or having a responsive site.

It’s creating strategic content

and connecting it to an

m-commerce platform.

It’s moving from UX to CX via

mobile device.

When your customers learn from you,

they buy from you – again and again.

Have to be relatable and engaging.

Blog posts, Infographics, White papers

& E-books, Feature articles, Videos

Have to be shareable.

Marketers need to know a campaign‘s effectiveness and be able to scale it more broadly when it succeeds.

With consumers using multiple devices, creative teams must seamlessly move across smartphones, desktops, tablets, and even across other media such as OOH.

Targeting super-niches such as the specially-abled are now possible because of the merging of technology, data and creatives.

Video of Dunkin Donuts

Leverage technology and platforms with your engagement strategies.

Embrace the power of community.

Develop creative solutions: engaging, relevant, measurable, and scalable.

Connect technology, data and creatives to engage with your customers

Leverage and embrace customer feedback.

Get the message across at the right moment, delivering a call-to-action upon engagement.

Data should fuel creatives and not as an after-thought.

More personalization.

Extreme creativity.

Embrace the power of community.

Hyper-localization. Super niching.


Be Techie. Embrace Technology.

Connect. Reconnect.

Embrace the power of community.

Hyper-localization. Super niching.


Have a mobile & influencer strategy.

Have a content strategy.

Connect technology, data, and creatives to

engage with your customers.


Go hyper-local, super-niche.

Embrace the power of community

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