How Style Sheets Work



This is a presentation that I put together to introduce style sheets to my website design class.

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Cascading Style Sheets



Better type and layout control.

Less work

Smaller documents

More accessible sites

How Style Sheets Work

Start with an XHTML document

Write rules for how you want the document to look

Attach the rules to the XHTML document

Writing the Rules

selector {declaration: value;}

selector {declaration1: value;declaration2: value;declaration3: value;


Example Selector & Declaration

p {font-size: small;font-family: sans-serif;}

Providing Measurement


{margin: 2em};

{margin: 2 em}; Incorrect!

Attaching Style Sheets

External Style Sheets

Embedded Style Sheets

Inline Style Sheets

Attaching Style Sheets

External Style Sheets - placed between the <head> tags.

<LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF=”mystyle.css" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA=screen>

Embedded Style Sheets

Inline Style Sheets

Attaching Style SheetsExternal Style Sheets

Embedded Style Sheets - placed between the <head> tags.

<style type=”text/css”>/* style rules go here */</style>

Inline Style Sheets

Attaching Style Sheets

External Style Sheets

Embedded Style Sheets

Inline Style Sheets - Placed within the tags themselves (Use only when absolutely necessary)

<h1 style=”color: red”>Introduction</h1>

InheritanceXHTML elements pass down certain properties to the elements they contain.

Original text uses the browser’s default styling. Ex:“Look at the stars!”

p {font-size: small; font-family:sans-serif;}“Look at the stars!”

Parents & Children

All of the h1, h2, p, em, and img elements are descendants of the body element.

They are the children of the body parent element.

Style Sheet Hierarchy

Browser Default Settings

User Style Setting set in a Browser

Linked external style sheet

Embedded Style Sheets

Inline Style Sheets

Box Model

Every element on the page is considered as being contained in a rectangular box.

Selectors can be grouped

h1, h2, p, em, img {border: 1px solid red;}

CSS Reference
