Home Watch schemes and social media


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Home Watch & Social Media

Why Bother?Quote from PC Chris Hayden in recent Volunteering Matters


Leading the Way!!• The ‘Tameside Homewatch’ Facebook and

Twitter pages will be the first set of Social Media pages for Homewatch in Greater Manchester, possibly across the country?!

• Modern communication methods that all organisations should be taking advantage of.

Don't Worry!!• It’s important to note that the Twitter and

Facebook sites are NOT there to replace any current methods of communication to members and the public. Its there to compliment our existing ways and to engage, reach out and bring in new members to Homewatch from different areas and demographics.

• Allows fast and sometimes ‘Live’ info to go out to people and communities.

Previous Experience• I have previously run the Twitter

and Facebook pages for the West Neighbourhood Policing Team and with great success, I was sceptical at first like anyone but the response was massive and in a short space of time we had over 2000 followers over the 2 pages and this is currently expanding at more than 5 new people every day.

• The benefits far outweigh any negatives.

Ultimate Goal• The ultimate goals are to keep our

communities safer through knowledge and being kept informed, also increasing Home Watch membership once people realise that the schemes are good to be a part of.

• Grasp opportunities to link with other like minded organisations.

Who will run the pages?• Our Pages are run by PC Chris Hayden (Partnership Team) and

(when trained) Janet Gould (Home Watch Chair) with input from Judith Hackney (Crime Reduction Specialist).

• If you want your own presence on Social Media, who is best placed to run it??? (Time, Good Links with Members and Organisations)

Twitter Examples....

Twitter Examples....

Facebook Examples....

Facebook Examples....

Some Results• Officially opened pages on 27th Feb• Twitter has 351 followers already and we have sent out 530

messages• Facebook has 196 ‘Likes’• Promoted our HW Conference!• Gained many new Members, Coordinators & Schemes!• Sent out ‘Cold Calling’ door stickers and leaflets to various

Coordinators• Lots of interaction with people and Agency Links• Promoting our upcoming Tameside HW Awards Ceremony• Spread info from other agencies

Any Questions?

Janet Gould – Tameside Home Watch Chair

Tameside Partnership TeamAshton Police Station

Tameside.PartnershipTeam@gmp.police.uk0161 856 9334

Or of course Tweet us / Facebook us !!