History of bicycle by Manas Orpe



The history of Bicycles is very interesting. I go for morning walks. From time to time, i saw an old man riding different bicycles every other day. Out of curiosity, i googled the bicycle history. This is what i came up with. Hope this was infomative.

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By:-Manas Orpe

Guided By:-Prof. V.L.Gole

Invented by by Baron von Drais in 1817.

Two same-size in-line wheels, the front one steerable, mounted in a frame which you straddled.

Made entirely of wood.

Not practical for transportation in any other place than a well maintained pathway such as in a park or garden

The Walking Machine

Next appearance was in 1865 with pedals attached in the front.

Since it was made by wood with metal tires, and the combination of these with the cobblestone roads of the day made for an extremely uncomfortable ride.

Indoor riding academies, similar to roller rinks, could be found in large cities.Boneshaker

In 1870 the first all metal machine appeared.

Solid rubber tires and the long spokes of the large front wheel provided a much smoother ride than its predecessor.

The front wheels became larger as makers realized that larger the wheel, the farther you could travel with one rotation of the pedals.

The High Wheel

They cost an average worker six month's pay.

Because the rider sat so high above the center of gravity, if the front wheel was stopped, the rider, with his legs trapped under the handlebars, was dropped unceremoniously on his head.

Man Topling over

First machines to be called as 'bicycles'.



Penny Farthing

Ladies, confined to their long skirts and corsets, took a spin round the park on the tricycle.

Rack and pinion steering, the differential, and band brakes, were invented for this bicycle.


A Tricycle

Improvements began to be seen.

Small wheel in front introduced to eliminate tipping-forward problem.

These bicycles came to be known as ‘Ordinary Bicycles’ or just ‘Ordinaries’High Wheel Safety

With improvement in metallurgy, the design returned to the previous one.

Instead of just one wheel circumference for every pedal turn, you could, through the gear ratios, have a speed the same as the huge high-wheel.

These designs competed with each other, your choice: the high-wheel's comfort or the safety's safety.

Hard Tired Safety

Pneumatic tire first applied by Irish veterinarian for his son’s comfort.

Practical investment for the working man as transportation.

Ladies could ride now with their legs covered by skirts and corsets on.Pneumatic tired Bicycle

Mountain bike was usedfor freewheeling down mountain trails.

The sport became popular in the late 1970s.

Titanium carbon fibre frames were popular but became very expesive.

Mountain Bicycle