GTC Conversations in Care: the role of digital technology


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GTC Care Initiative 'Conversation on


The Role of Online and Technical

Innovation in Social Care

24th November

Green Templeton College Oxford



Can online innovations enhance care?

The Phenomena of the Ageing Better Industry

Why has this huge industry been so slow to embrace new models of care for older



cannot replace

human contact

Getting the basics right

We must enable the design and delivery of appropriate care

services to meet the needs of individuals and fit with our lifestyles

Who wants their homes to look like a hospital ward?

Critical Issues for Care

Quick Quiz

Older people are not

a homogenous

group, they’re as

varied in their needs

and interests as

individuals in any

other sector of the population.

Developing local Wellbeing and Social

Technology Hubs

Easily accessible information and support

to make a reality of what for many people

is just the rhetoric of choice and control.

A more joined-up approach to digital inclusion and open ways of working

which avoid the expensive and unnecessary duplication of pilots

Community events which showcase digital

technology innovation and encourage

people to explore the opportunities,

challenges and benefits of being better


Keep in touch!




The Connected Care Network

supports innovative organisations

to explore and develop digital strategies

which promote resilient and engaged

