Global Warming Our Choice & Clean Energy



There has been a debate over the last ten years over the effects of global warming. There is no doubt that increased carbon dioxide gasses affect our world due to increase burning of fossil fuels. Global warming is a serious condition that affects our planet.

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Global Warming Our Choice & Clean Energyby Vic G.

There has been a debate over the last ten years over the effects of global warming. There is no doubt that increased carbon dioxide gasses affect our world due to increase burning of fossil fuels. Global warming is a serious condition that affects our planet. It is important to be aware of the human causes of global warming in order to prevent additional global warming from occurring.

There are a number of ways in which global warming occurs. In some forms global warming is completely natural and out of our hands to control. In other forms humans can control and even stop global warming to some degree. Even our garbage in landfills emit methane gas. But few will argue that our dependence on coal and petroleum based fuels are our biggest downfall. Just look around your city and you will see clouds of smoke being emitted by huge spoke stacks courtesy of your local coal fire plant. We all know that the petroleum based fuels we burn in our cars also have much to do about our current high carbon dioxide emissions.

Did you know there are things that we can choose to do which will help to protect the environment and to prevent global warming. First take a look at your current needs, just by changing some of your habits, such as riding a bike or taking public transportation for short routine trips. Car pooling is another choice that people make in larger cities.

We all know clean energy can be had for a price, examples like solar panels, wind turbines and biodiesel are choices. But also think about what you can do today. Green fuel savers that you put in your car can immediately impact global warming. How you ask. Force Fuel saver for instance will increase your fuel economy up to 19% and reduce your emissions a minimum of 30% while it lubricating factors will actually increase vehicle maintenance intervals. This particular product uses esters which are natural and can also be found in beer and soap

products. Imagine if the city of Los Angeles could treat every car on the road and reduce emissions by 30% maybe the air in the city would finally clear. Using Green fuel savers is a choice we can make today to affect our tomorrow.

Vic G. has been a long proponent of bio-fuels from algae and produces bio-fuel for his own vehicles. He is currently helping

others discover algae based fuels as a solution to high fuel prices. He can be contacted at

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