Git session 1


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Source Code Management

+What will we learn ?

Any thing that lies between managing our code efficiently

locally and on the server

+Why Git ?

+Why Git ?

Because we use it here

in Cygnis

+Learning Strategy

We will start from very basic

Use a practical approach

More focus on the problems that we face on daily bases

Depending on your response we can delve into the underlying

architecture of git, how git manages/saves/manipulates our


+Prerequisites :

You need to be a CYGNET

+Goal of these sessions

Current Practice:


+Goal of these sessions

We will try to learn that magic stuff


+Version Control System

+Version Control System

Management of changes in a computer programs, website,

and other information(more widely called a project in our

environment, we are more comfortable with the project).


+Version Control System

Revision Control == Version Control == Source Control

More common term = Version Control System = VCS

Common Terms

+Version Control System

Versioning of your files

Revert file/files back to a previous state

Revert the entire project back to a previous state,

Compare changes overtime,

See who last modified something that might be causing


and more.


+Version Control System

Word processing applications/ Spread sheets e.g MS Office,

Google Doc


+Version Control System

VCS saved differences as patches, i.e in the form of differences

between two files.

How do they manage changes

+Two Types of VCS’Central

+Two Types of VCS’Distributed

+Central vs Distributed

Single central copy of your project on the server

Programmer commit a change to this central repository

You need to be connected to the server to push your changes

Other programmers working on the same project can see the

change committed


+Central vs Distributed

Common operations such as commits, viewing history and

reverting changes are fast because there is no need to

communicate with a central server.

Each working copy effectively functions as a remote backup of

the codebase and of its change-history, providing inherent

protection against data loss.


+Some other DVCSs

BitKeeper is no open source

+Warning!!! Git Ahead!

Information Manager from Hell

+What Git actually is?

Distributed Version Control System

Open source

Exists on each and every platform

+Brief History of Git

Designed and created by Linus Torvalds (the creator of linux

operating system)

Started Development on 3rd April 2005

First commit 7th April 2005

First Project : Linux Kernel with 6.7 million lines of code

+Some more praise for Git

Facilitate distributed development

Scale to handle thousand of developers

Perform quickly and efficiently

Maintain integrity and trust

Enforce accountability


Answer to ‘Why Git?’

+Some more praise for Git

Atomic transactions

Support and encourage branched development

Complete repositories

Clean internal design

Answers to ‘Why Git?’

+Git : Practical Approach

Cygwin based Git

Native version : msysGit

Installing Git on Windows

+Git : Practical Approach

Latest git installer is downloaded

Run the installer to install Git

It will install Git Bash and Git GUI

We will use Git Bash mainly and Git GUI or any other GUI tool

to visually see our changes

Installing Git on Windows

+Git : Practical ApproachInstalling Git on Windows

+Git : Practical ApproachInstalling Git on Windows

+Git : Practical ApproachInstalling Git on Windows

+Git : Practical ApproachInstalling Git on Windows

+Git : Practical ApproachInstalling Git on Windows

+Git : Practical ApproachInstalling Git on Windows

+Git : Practical ApproachInstalling Git on Windows

+Git : Practical ApproachInstalling Git on Windows

+The Git CycleProject

+The Git CycleFiles

+Git : Getting the hands dirty

+Command Line Interface

+Git : Initial SetupIdentify yourself

+Git: Ready, set, repo up!

+Git: A word about .git

+Git: Tracking Files

+Don’t you like VIM???… :SChanging the default editor

+Don’t you like VIM???… :SChanging the default editor

+That’s a lot of Git for today!
