Giant squid proyect


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Giant squid are molluscum. They are carnivors. There are 8 species of giant squid. They are dangerous. They are weighs 140 kg and has

tentacles of 6,5 m in legth.

They’ve got long tentacles. They’ve got 8 arms. They’ve got two long tentacles. They’ve got two eyes. They have not teeth. They have three mouths.

They inhabit all oceans of the world. They live in the deep sea, so it’s very

difficult to see them.

Giant squid eat fish ( whiting, lilies, abyssal fish, etc… ) crustaceans and other smaller cephalopods.

They can swim very fast. They can hunt their prey. They can’t jump out of water.

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Raúl Espejo Marc Martinez Ailen Mena
