Get more than a cache back! - ConFoo Montreal


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RedisGet more than a cache back!Maarten Balliauw@maartenballiauw

Who am I?

Maarten Balliauw Antwerp, Belgium Developer Advocate, JetBrains Founder, MyGet Focus on web & cloud @maartenballiauw


Redis Data types Transactions Pub/sub Scripting Sharding/partitioning Patterns



“Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, networked, single-threaded, in-memory key-value cache and store. It is often referred to as a data structure server since

keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps and hyperloglogs.”

REmote DIctionary Server


Key-value cache and store (value can be a couple of things) In-memory (no persistence, but you can) Single-threaded (atomic operations & transactions) Networked (it’s a server and it does master/slave) Some other stuff (scripting, pub/sub, Sentinel, snapshot, …)

Things to remember


Dump memory to disk (faster restore after restart)

AOF (append-only files) RDB (Redis DB snapshots)

With or without: all your data must fit in memory

Redis 101demo

The Little Redis Book

By Karl Seguin

Data types

Type Example Key Example valueString cache:/home <html><head><title>Home

page</title>Hash categories:1 Field


MemberShipsPirate ships for sale50000

Set categories:1:products 20 11 56 89 32 4List products:20:comments [0] -> “That skull flag is awesome!”

[1] -> “Parrot bit my finger, not happy!”[2] -> “Parrot keeps swearing at me.”

Sorted set products:bestsellers FieldEye PatchParrot


+ Bitmap, Hyperloglog

Data typesdemo

Data types

Type Example Key Example valueString cache:/home

user:nextid<html><head><title>Home page</title>2

Hash user:1 Fieldnamehandle


Set user:1:followers 10 42 99 85List user:1:timeline [0] -> { ... }

[1] -> { ... }[2] -> { ... }

Sorted set trending:no:tags Field#ndcoslo#redis


+ Bitmap, Hyperloglog


Good practice: use a pattern for keys E.g. users:1:maarten Get by id: KEYS users:1:* GET ...... Get by name: KEYS users:*:maarten

GET ...... O(N) operation – use with caution!

But... client-side?

Lots of options!

Connecting to Redis (C# / Node – pick one!)demo


MULTI, EXEC, DISCARD, WATCH No rollbacks (just discard queue) Failures are because of you, not Redis Optimistic locking with WATCH Only execute transaction queue if watched keys did not




(P)SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, PUBLISH Subscribe to a queue SUBSCRIBE news (or PSUBSCRIBE news:*) Send data to a queue PUBLISH news “This just in!” (optional) Keyspace notifications

CONFIG SET notify-keyspace-events KEA PSUBSCRIBE '__key*__:*' (or __keyspace@0__:foo)



Run Lua scripts on Redis

EVAL ‘return “Hello, World!”’ 0 Scripts are cached (SCRIPT FLUSH) Scripts can be used as functions Although we must pass the body all the time (or use SCRIPT LOAD +

EVALSHA) Helper functions available! Base, table, string, math, debug, struct, cjson, cmsgpack, redis.sha1hex


What if I need more memory?

Sharding On client (consistent hashing) Using a proxy (Twemproxy - Cluster On server (Redis Cluster) tip: always connect to >= 2 nodesvar Redis = require('ioredis');

var cluster = new Redis.Cluster([ { port: 6380, host: '' }, { port: 6381, host: '' }]);

cluster.set('foo', 'bar');cluster.get('foo', function (err, res) { // ... });


When can I use Redis?

Output cache Session state General-purpose cache (e.g. for database) “Cache with benefits” Pub/sub Generally: when use case maps and data fits in RAM

When should I avoid Redis?

More data than can fit in RAM Can use multiple, but even then: SUM(RAM) == max. data

size Data and query model fits well in a relational model

Materialize certain queries in Redis if needed Avoid Redis for large objects... ...with lots of concurrent read/write operations

Counting stuff

How would you count “likes” if you were Facebook?

SQL UPDATE posts SET likes = likes + 1 WHERE postid = 1234 Locking! Will slow down the application... Redis INCR post:12345 (Every once in a while, check keys to persist)

Counting stuff (+ popularity)

And how would you get the 5 most popular posts?

Use a sorted set Elements are scored (= # of likes) We can use ZREVRANGE to get the top X posts ZREVRANGE posts:likes 0 5 withscores

Get the latest 5 product reviews

No need to go to the database! Use a Redis List, truncated at 5 items Need more? Query the database

Rate limiting

API should only allows 5 requests per 60 seconds Redis List

Record 5 latest requests If we’re at 5, check the leftmost item versus current time

1 2 3 4 512:20:25 12:20:22 12:20:21 12:20:18 12:19:50


How to provide autocompletion over our million-records product catalog?

SQL “LIKE” Lucene / ElasticSearch Redis Sorted Set

Intersecting collections

“Which friends do we have in common?”

Algorithm could be: Find friends that we have in common Find friends they have in common Score the # of connections


We have a series of bugsPriority, Status, Title, ...

A user follows a few of these bugsHow to store?How to query? (give me my top 5 bugs by priority) hset bugs:1 priority 5

hset bugs:2 priority 2hset bugs:3 priority 1

SORT bugsifollow BY bugs:*->priority



Redis is not just a cache Data types Transactions Pub/sub Scripting Sharding/partitioning Patterns 1 thing to remember:

Thank you!