Get Involved with BalloonSat Classes



BalloonSats are one activity that can excite kids in the math, sciences, and engineering. The time you spend helping kids make and launch BalloonSats and analyzing their data will encourage their math, science, and engineering interests.

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BalloonSatsOne key to better math, science, and

technology knowledge

Why BalloonSats?● Near Space Motivates● Simple to Build● No Tracking Equipment or Radio License● Focus on Construction and Data Analysis

The Typical BalloonSat

BalloonSat ConstructionWorkshop

Teams of three or fourTwo days/Four hours

ClassroomTeams of three or four

Two weeks/1 class period

Advanced Students

Student DataWithout APRS With APRS

Potential ProblemsWeather

Hot and Sharp Tools

Wrong Audience

Work Schedules


BalloonSat Principia

Thorough Documentation

Data Analysis

Ping Pong Stratolites

Example Experiments

Umm, maybe I could….
