Geocoding news at the source


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Geocoding news at the sourceGerd Kamp

dpa-infocom GmbH

© 2008 Gerd Kamp 2



# News always happen in a spatio-temporal context

# you want to attach that context as metadata to the news

# The illustration of news via maps is common practice since ages

# but typically different from putting pins into maps

Current Status

# started evangelizing within dpa in Q2/06

# geocoding our regional wires since 11/07

# geocoding places of stories as well as places in stories

# manual process

# with support systems integrated into the editorial systems

© 2008 Gerd Kamp

Locations of news stories / Semantics (current status)

A scope of a news story

# is a geoname that is part of a (official administrative) hierarchical partition of a defined geographic extent,

# representing the largest area wrt. the above hierarchy where this story is deemed relevant (by an editor)

A variant of scopes are legal scopes

Assigning geographic areas of relevance is something editors have been doing for ages

# National wire vs. regional wire

# Front section vs. local section


© 2008 Gerd Kamp

Locations of news stories / Semantics (current status)

A locus of a news story

# is a geoname that is part of a set of geonames for a defined geographic extent

# representing the smallest area wrt. the above set where (the) events of this story are happening / have happened / are going to happen

A place of production of a news story

# is either a geoname or address or lat/lon


© 2008 Gerd Kamp

Location within news

A location in a (news) story is a location directly or indirectly mentioned in the news story itself

# typically not geographic names but rather addresses, street segments, blocks, or POIs

# not all geographic entities are necessarily identified# relevance# ranking


© 2008 Gerd Kamp


A geographic name

# is a name applied to a geographic feature. It is the proper name, specific term, or expression by which a particular geographic entity is, or was, known. A geographic entity is any relatively permanent part of the natural or manmade landscape or seascape that has recognizable identity within a particular cultural context.

# A geographic name, then, may refer to any place, feature, or area on the Earth's surface, or to a related group of similar places, features, or areas.

# Typically there are national bodies defining geonames

# U.S. Board for Geographic Names

# Ständiger Ausschuss für Geographische Namen

# New players are entering the game (e.g. Geonames, YahooLocation Platform)


© 2008 Gerd Kamp

Hierarchical partition (current draft definition)

A hierarchical partition of scopes of a geographic extent e is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with the following properties:

# There is a single source s_top (the top level scope) with a geographic extent being coterminous with the geographic extent (using coterminous as having matching boundaries interpretation

# every scope has a property denoting its level in the hierarchy with the top level scope having the level 1

# for any given point p in e there is at least one corresponding scope s_point at some level in the DAG

# for every scope that has more than one successor the geographic extent of set of successors is coterminous with the geographic extent of this scope

# for every scope that has more than one predecessor the geographic extent of set of predecessors is coterminous with the geographic extent of this scope


© 2008 Gerd Kamp


A story about legislation in a state is assigned a statewide scope (although the dateline is the state capitol)


© 2008 Gerd Kamp


A story about an accident within A with a driver coming from B


© 2008 Gerd Kamp

Example (News Industry Text Format - NITF)

<nitf xmlns:georss=""><head><title>Bayern München II schlägt Karlsruhe 3:1</title><location class="scope"><region region-code="09184000" code-source="AGS">München <georss:point>11.5725580365 48.1379548096</georss:point></region><state state-code="09000000" code-source="AGS">Bayern <georss:point>11.5725580365 48.1379548096</georss:point></state><country iso-cc="DEU">Deutschland</country></location><location class="scope"><city city-code="09162000" code-source="AGS">München <georss:point>11.5725580365 48.1379548096</georss:point></city><state state-code="09000000" code-source="AGS">Bayern <georss:point>11.5725580365 48.1379548096</georss:point></state><country iso-cc="DEU">Deutschland</country></location><location class="scope"><city city-code="08212000" code-source="AGS">Karlsruhe <georss:point>8.40437796821 49.0092142029</georss:point></city><state state-code="08000000" code-source="AGS">Baden-Württemberg <georss:point>9.17871582656 48.7750805322</georss:point></state><country iso-cc="DEU">Deutschland</country>


© 2008 Gerd Kamp

Example NITF (cont‘d)

<location class="address"> Grünwalder Stadion, Grünwalder Straße, München, Germany <georss:point>11.566936 48.101078</georss:point><city>München</city><region>München</region><state>Bayern</state><country iso-cc="DEU">Deutschland</country></location>


© 2008 Gerd Kamp

Next steps / To Do

Gathering feedback

Evangelizing within main stream media organizations

How to represent best in GeoRSS , KML, ...

# multiple locations

# locations of different types and classes

Working toward a generally available ontology of geonames / a framework for describing ontology

Investigatiing connections to /applications from

# computational geometry

# qualitative spatial reasoning

to geoname based graphs / ontologies


© 2008 Gerd Kamp

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