Gene therapy(1)


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Con Gene Con Gene Ther apyTher apy

` By :By :

� Alli BerryAlli Berry

: Charity DavidCharity David

: Megan HenningMegan Henning

: Nick HuertaNick Huerta


AgendaAgenda• What is gene therapy?What is gene therapy?

• Types of gene therapyTypes of gene therapy

• The bad effects of gene therapyThe bad effects of gene therapy

• Economic factors Economic factors

• Who would get treatment for gene therapy?Who would get treatment for gene therapy?

• Side effects of Gene Therapy Side effects of Gene Therapy

• Examples of Gene TherapyExamples of Gene Therapy

• Scientific, Ethical, Religious cons of Gene Scientific, Ethical, Religious cons of Gene


• In the futureIn the future

• SummarySummary

• ConclusionConclusion

What i s Gene Ther apy?What i s Gene Ther apy?r Gene therapy is supposed to treat or prevent Gene therapy is supposed to treat or prevent

disease.disease.s Gene Therapy can be used to:Gene Therapy can be used to:

Insert a normal gene into tissue to replace disease-causing genesInsert a normal gene into tissue to replace disease-causing genes

Shut down mutated genes that aren't working properly. Shut down mutated genes that aren't working properly.

Turn on a gene that should be working but isn'tTurn on a gene that should be working but isn't

Introduce new genes into the body to treat or cure disorders Introduce new genes into the body to treat or cure disorders

How gene t her apy How gene t her apy wor kswor ks

Results may varyResults may vary

Types of gene t her apyTypes of gene t her apy• Somatic cell gene therapy Somatic cell gene therapy

-somatic cells are targeted for replacement.-somatic cells are targeted for replacement.

• Reproductive cell / germline gene therapyReproductive cell / germline gene therapy

-defective genes in the reproductive cell are replaced by correct genes-defective genes in the reproductive cell are replaced by correct genes

Ec onomi c f ac t orEc onomi c f ac t or• Big corporations will fund gene therapy so that it can be developed for Big corporations will fund gene therapy so that it can be developed for

private use. private use.

• There aren't enough patients for commercial use, so it won't be paid for by There aren't enough patients for commercial use, so it won't be paid for by


Who woul d r ec ei ve Gene Who woul d r ec ei ve Gene Ther apy Tr eat ment ?Ther apy Tr eat ment ?

• The extremely richThe extremely rich

• Test subjects – much greater risk involvedTest subjects – much greater risk involved

Si de Ef f ec t s of Gene Si de Ef f ec t s of Gene t her apyt her apy

• Organ FailureOrgan Failure

• Some mistakes made can be passed on through generationsSome mistakes made can be passed on through generations

• Horrific MutationsHorrific Mutations

• Over growth of body partsOver growth of body parts

• Makes children prone to infectionMakes children prone to infection

• Can make cancer worseCan make cancer worse

• Could cause reproduction problemsCould cause reproduction problems

Exampl es of gene Exampl es of gene t her apyt her apy

• While gene therapy has been successful there are many cases where it has While gene therapy has been successful there are many cases where it has

been detrimental to the person's lifebeen detrimental to the person's life

Gene therapy gone wrongGene therapy gone wrong

Jesse Jesse GelsingerGelsinger

First recorded First recorded person to die person to die of Gene of Gene TherapyTherapy

Sc i ent i f i cSc i ent i f i cCons of gene Cons of gene

t her apyt her apyIt is not guaranteed that the gene inserted will go to the It is not guaranteed that the gene inserted will go to the

correct point in the bodycorrect point in the body

The body's immune system may destroy the new geneThe body's immune system may destroy the new gene

Gene therapy isn't always permanent and patients may Gene therapy isn't always permanent and patients may

need multiple treatmentsneed multiple treatments

Gene therapy will be expensive so only the very rich will Gene therapy will be expensive so only the very rich will

afford itafford it

It is dangerousIt is dangerous

It could be unnecessary if the right alternatives are It could be unnecessary if the right alternatives are


Et hi c alEt hi c alCons of gene Cons of gene

t her apyt her apy• It discriminates against those with disabilitiesIt discriminates against those with disabilities

• Gene therapy can be Gene therapy can be

used to create used to create

designer babiesdesigner babies

• Can be related Can be related

to Hitler's ideas ofto Hitler's ideas of

a master racea master race

Rel i gi ousRel i gi ousCons of gene Cons of gene

t her apy t her apy • Gene therapy could be considered 'Playing God'Gene therapy could be considered 'Playing God'

Altering the genes God has made perfectlyAltering the genes God has made perfectly

I n t he f ut ur eI n t he f ut ur e

Gene therapy may become less dangerous but Gene therapy may become less dangerous but we believe it's not worth the risk.we believe it's not worth the risk.

SUMMARYSUMMARY• Gene Therapy is:Gene Therapy is:



Still being tested Still being tested

Not guaranteed to workNot guaranteed to work

Promoting superiority Promoting superiority

That c onc l udes That c onc l udes our our

pr es ent at i on, pr es ent at i on, ar e t her e any ar e t her e any

ques t i ons ?ques t i ons ?