


Talking about gamification has gotten me into a whole lot of “heated discussions” over the past couple of years. Sometimes it’s with the sort of ahead-of-the-curve professionals who talk at length about the intricate game-play of Call of Duty versus the simple pleasures of Angry Birds; sometimes it’s with more sceptical types who balk at buzzwords and think digital culture is an oxymoron; sometimes it’s with both at the same time.

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Not just digital Not new Not building games


Challenge Competition

Challenge Competition Winning

Challenge Competition Winning Completion

Reward enhances these emotions

Engagement not subject dependent

Drive motivation Long and short term Must be relevant

Our time is precious We want

to progress Simple indicators

Know the customer Encourages repeat users Build community

Community Problem solving Team work

Drive HCP networks Status based rewards Transparency

Shiny prizes aren’t always best

Sustained rewards and engagement

Ease of use Rewarding Tough, but achievable Online = offline experience It makes running more engaging

Physical well-being Adherence Community support Team achievements

Sympathetic Personal stories Personality match Intimacy Loyal users

Make the serious trivial? No.

Become game developers. No.

Learn from principles? Yes.

Understand your customer, what makes them tick

Look at offline behaviour to develop an online experience

You know we want to achieve, but what does the visitor want

Let’s be challenging, not daunting Capture unique metrics

Contrived Lack engagement Distract from content

Understand what constitutes a ‘win’ Understand the user’s motivation Design for the emotional user Scalable, meaningful rewards Don’t re-invent the wheel Every interaction interesting

How does this fit with my brand objectives? Is it appropriate for my content? Will it compromise my content? How can I measure success?