From PSD to Drupal Theme



You've just been handed a gorgeous, static Photoshop file. By tomorrow it needs to be a flexible, extensible, and compatible Drupal theme for some Web site you've never seen. Oh and they said something about it needing to be responsive to 508 or something like that? *gulp* No worries! In this one-hour webinar, Drupal rock star Emma Jane Hogbin, will give you a sneak peek inside her brand new book Drupal: A User's Guide and show you how to transform a Photoshop file into a real live theme. As part of this webinar you will receive all of the code for the theme we build so you can watching, listening and learning how to quickly build themes for Drupal 7.

Citation preview


To prepare for this seminar you should download a copy of the

following themes:



If you need to leave:

� This session is recorded. If the recording fails, this is a similar

presentation to the one I gave at DrupalCon London.

� The information is available in: Drupal User's Guide or workbooks at

� Slides are available from:

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Discount code available at the end of the webinar.



Theme Building� Theming philosophy

� Process

� Case study: Domicile

35 minutes

Summary� Questions/Answers

� Discount Coupons

20 minutes

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Minimum Viable Theme





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� Know your Drupal toolkit. Know your budget.� Focus on the biggest elements first.� Work closely with your designer and your client to

make sure you get the important things right.� Theme with the markup you have, not the markup you'd like to have.

� Pixel perfect design is for print. Get over it.


“Accessible web design refers to the philosophy and

practice of designing web pages so that they can be

navigated and read by everyone, regardless of location,

experience, or the type of computer technology used.” Australian Human Rights Commission

� Know your guidelines (508 or WAI).

� Use a checklist.

� Use an automated testing suite.

� Test with users.

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“Any approach that delivers elegant visual

experiences regardless of the size of the user’s

display and the limitations or capabilities of the

device” zeldman.

� Read: � Buy (and read): � Watch: � Use:

(Eventually “all” base themes will be responsive.)


� Budget-appropriate.

� Accessible.

� Responsive.


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1.Communicate with your whole team.

2.Plan your data structure.

3.Use wire frames to prove what you're saying about how the

site ought to be built.

4.Build the site (ignore the theme).

5.Convert your wire frame to its grid layout.

6.Build out the HTML fragments in the relevant tpl.php files.

Substitute CSS effects for PSD effects where possible.

7.Apply your theme to the site.

8.Refine as necessary based on the UX.




(This may affect site design decisions based on the

theming goals of budget-appropriate, accessible and









You must:

� Know your data model.

� Create wire frames describing page elements.

� Identify the modules, templates and configuration

responsible for every element described in your wire


� Use a grid framework in both your design files and

Drupal templates.

� Use a base theme that meets your web design goals.


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1.Prepare design.

2.Create theme shell (text files for Drupal).

3.Create regions.

4.Extract and embed images.

5.Launch MVT.


� Designed by Betty


� Themed by Emma

Jane Hogbin (and the

base theme


� Code available from





sites/ page.tpl.php

Also: sites/all/themes/base_theme

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1.Download the theme:

2.Unzip the package.

3.Look at the files inside.


name = D7SBE - Domicile

description = A three-column design by Design House ( and themed by Design to Theme.

screenshot = screenshot.png

core = 7.x

engine = phptemplate

base theme = ninesixty

; Stylesheets.

; Regions

; Features

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1.Prepare design.

2.Create theme shell (text files for Drupal).

3.Create regions.

4.Extract and embed images.

5.Launch MVT.


Pink sherbert photography


Locate “problem” areas and fix with:

� The administrative interface.

� CSS enhancements.

And if you need more control add:

� Helper modules.

� Theme template files.

� Theme functions.



Relevant HTML


Page element CSS styles

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Themer Tools� Devel

� Theme Developer

� Firebug for Drupal

Layout� Panels

� Context

� Display Suite

Site Building� Views

� Nodes in Block

� Menu Block

� Entity View Mode

� Media

� jPlayer

� etc

� � �

� page.tpl.php

� node.tpl.php

� page-front.tpl.php

� block.tpl.php

� Error pages: 403, 404, 500


Finally...and only if you really must:� Preprocess functions.

� Form altering functions.

� Functionality-based PHP snippets.

� (etc)



Minimum Viable Theme1.Prepare design.

2.Create required theme files.

3.Create regions in page.tpl.php.

4.Extract and embed images.

5.Launch MVT.

Theme by UX6.Administrative interface

7.CSS enhancements

8.Module helpers

9.tpl.php files

10.Theme functions


� Plan your theme from the data model out, not the template files in.� Use relevant Drupal modules to break up content and display it in relevant locations.

� Extract only the images and colours you need from your PSD file.� Using your grid, rebuild your design as a minimum viable theme in the fewest possible tpl.php files.

� Fix any outstanding problems according to the expected user experience with the site.

� Test your site using automated testing suites for cross-browser and accessibility issues. Then test again using as much real content and as many real people as you can afford.

� Cross your fingers and launch.

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1. PSD to Drupal Theme2. SBE Guide: Micro Site

Issue 1: Free PSD to Theme article.

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� @emmajanedotnet

