Four benefits of SIP trunking for the mid-market


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Four benefits of SIP trunking for the mid-marketSIP trunking: it’s time to dig beneath the hype and see why people are coming round to this lower cost, powerful and fast growing next generation approach

You may have seen some buzz around the idea of using something called SIP, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunking; using voice over IP (VoIP) technology to connect your company’s phone system (PBX) to the public telephone network using data access pipes instead of ISDN.

While clearly taking off and enjoying the benefits that come with being a standard open to anyone and not controlled by any one vendor, the real point of SIP trunking can get lost a bit in the noise.

Let’s try and scope out the real point of SIP:

1. Cost savingsWhy have a voice and data connection when you can do both over just one connection? With SIP trunking you can get rid of expensive ISDN and you’ll get major savings on voice calls and line rental. Think lower.

2. Flexibility

Lower bills: great. But how about the ability to also be able to move office and keep the same geographic number – without any charge for on-going call forwarding? There are actually multiple examples of true flexibility like this with SIP! SIP trunks are also really simple to maintain, as SIP trunks are virtual rather than physical.

3. Business Continuity and Disaster RecoveryThe unthinkable has happened – but you need to keep the business going. SIP is really going to prove its worth to you in these tough circumstances, as it can quickly and cost-effectively re-route calls to your temporary hot site. As long as the internet’s still there, so is your connection, thanks to automatic re-routing in the event of any unforeseen events.

4. ScalabilityFantastic as all these other benefits are, many SIP users report the ability to easily scale up and down as being the single biggest aid to their business. So you’ll never again pay for lines you don’t need. You’ll be able to increase lines at times of need, such as an outbound calling campaign, and then drop them back down again afterwards. You’ll also have full control of your voice network profile, at all times.

Yes, you can get some of these benefits from ISDN… but it’s a technology on the way out* and it costs a lot more. SIP gives you more, is richer in terms of functionality and is the way the world is going.(*illume SIP & IP Trunking Market Report & Forecast July 2013)

Isn’t it time you checked it out – and found out for yourself what’s beneath all the hype?

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