Flutter 2.2 version | Skywave Info Solutions



Flutter 2.2 is the latest version of Google's, and it is also most popular cross-platform development for mobile framework. Flutter is using to make app for iOS, Android, web, and desktop.

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New version Flutter 2.2, everything you need to know

IntroductionFlutter 2.2 framework

In the google I/O , flutter 2.2 was introduced in 2021, and it was latest version updates in flutter. Flutter 2.2 is working for both operating system IOS and android.

Flutter 1.0

The first version of flutter was introduced in 2015, at the Dart Developer summit on 2018, and known as codename “Sky”. Flutter 1.0 is only working for Android operating system.


Benefits of Flutter


Excellent performance

High Productivity

High Productivity

Simple and fast development

Flutter 2.2 updates in stable

“In flutter 2.2, wise range of improvments inluding updates across Android, web, and iOS, new material icons, upates in text handling, scrollbar behavior, and mouse cursor support for textspan widget, and new guidance in how to best suppost multiple kinds of platforms from single code base. And these features are built on new release of Dart.


Owned by Google




Andriod Studio

Flutter web updates


Flutter web updates, coming up with new service worker- loading mechanism, and fixed double-downloading of main.dart.js. In previous edition of Flutter web, the service employee downloaded updatesto your app in the background, when giving your user access to the stale version of your app. The user didn’t see any changes untill refreshed browser page even couple of times, after update was downloaded.In flutter 2.2, when service employee detects a change, the user will wait until the updates are downloaded to use the app, but then they’ll see the updates without a second manual refresh of the page.

Flutter web updates


Dart 2.13

Flutter 2.2 comes with the Dart 2.13 release. Among diffrent things, in this Dart update contanins a new sort of aliases feature, which allows you to create aliases for types as well as for functions:


Transitions in iOS page

In Flutter 2.2, iOS page transition smoother in Cupertino by reducing the time it takes to render the frames of animation by 75%, and eventually more on low-end phones. In this release, didn’t focus only for end-user performance improvements; but also looking for ways to improve the development performance as well.


About Us

We Skywave Info Solutions has been working in IT industry. We higher best web developers and designers to get a quick result. We work as a Mobile development company including iOS app, Android App, Hybrid app, and Flutter App Development Company. We also provide Web Design Services and Web Development Provider such as PHP, dot net, Word press, Full stack, Python and Java web development. proud?well.


Transitions in iOS page



Material iconsWhen you find your perfect icon, the new “Flutter” tab shows you, either you can download that icon or how to use it for using as a stand-alone assest in your app. In Flutter app, to

add dash has never been easier.


Improved in text handlingIn Flutter new version, restructuring that how we handle text input that enables features like canceling a keystroke as it bubbles through the wideget hierarchy, and introduced the ability by fully customized the keystrokes associated with text actions.

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