Fewer cables



Find out about hardware, software, protocols, digital video broadcasting, video formats, computer architectures, Perl modules and more as the speaker undertakes the project of a lifetime in his living room: fewer cables.

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Fewer cables

Find out about hardware, so�ware, protocols,digital video broadcasting, video formats,

computer architectures, Perl modules and more asthe speaker undertakes the project of a lifetime in

his living room: fewer cables.Léon Brocard

YAPC::Europe 2009


Léon BrocardFrench, live in LondonLike foodLike the colour orangeFounded Amsterdam.pm, Bath.pm, Croydon.pmLeader of London.pmStarted YAPC::EuropePerl hacker

83 distributions on the CPAN

Acme-Buffy, Acme-Colour, App-Cache, Archive-Peek, Catalyst-Plugin-CookiedSession,Catalyst-Plugin-SimpleAuth, Compress-LZF_PP, Compress-LZMA-External, CPAN-IndexPod,CPAN-Metadata-RDF, CPAN-Mini-Webserver, CPAN-Unpack, Crypt-Skip32-Base32Crockford,Crypt-Skip32-Base64URLSafe, Dackup, Data-Page, Data-UUID-Base64URLSafe,DateTime-Stringify, Devel-ebug, Devel-ebug-HTTP, Devel-Profit, Email-Send-Gandi,Email-Send-Gmail, File-Copy-Reliable, Fir, Games-GuessWord, Git-PurePerl, GraphViz,Haul, HTML-Fraction, HTML-TagCloud, HTTP-Server-Simple-Kwiki, Image-Imlib2,Image-Imlib2-Thumbnail, Image-Imlib2-Thumbnail-S3, Image-WorldMap,Java-JVM-Classfile, JSON-XS-VersionOneAndTwo, Kasago, Language-Functional,LWP-ConnCache-MaxKeepAliveRequests, Mac-EyeTV, MealMaster, Messaging-Courier,Module-CPANTS-Generator, Module-Packaged, MP3-ID3Lib, Net-Amazon-S3,Net-Amazon-SimpleQueue, Net-Cassandra, Net-DPAP-Client, Net-FTP-Throttle, Net-LastFM,Net-Mosso-CloudFiles, Net-MythTV, Net-MythWeb, Net-OpenDHT, Net-Stomp, Net-VNC,Number-DataRate, OpenFrame-Segment-Apache, OpenFrame-Segment-Apache2,Parse-BACKPAN-Packages, Parse-CPAN-Authors, Parse-CPAN-Packages, Parse-CPAN-Ratings,Perl-Metric-Basic, PPIx-IndexOffsets, PPIx-LineToSub, Search-Mousse,String-Koremutake, Template-Plugin-Page, Template-Stash-Strict,Term-ProgressBar-Quiet, Test-Expect, Tie-GHash, Tree-Ternary_XS, TV-Anytime,WWW-Gazetteer, WWW-Gazetteer-FallingRain, WWW-Gazetteer-Getty, WWW-Mechanize-Timed,WWW-Search-Google

�e TV as computer

“�e growth of personal computers is happening sorapidly that the future open-architecture television isthe PC, period. �e set-top box will be acredit-card-size insert that turns your PC into anelectronic gateway for cable, telephone, or satellite. Inother words, there is no TV-set industry in the future.It is nothing more or less than a computer industry:displays �lled with tons of memory and processingpower.”

�e bit radiation business

“�e key to the future of television is to stop thinkingabout television as television. TV bene�ts most fromthinking of it in terms of bits. Motion pictures, too,are just a special case of data broadcast. Bits are bits.”

Anything, anytime, anywhere television

“If your TV could record every program transmitted,you would already have �ve times the selectivityo�ered in the superhighway’s broad-brush style ofthinking. Say, instead of keeping them all, you haveyour TV agent grab the one or two in which youmight have interest, for your future viewing at anytime.”


my $source = Dackup::Target::Filesystem->new(prefix => ’/home/acme/important/’ );

my $dest = Dackup::Target::Filesystem->new(prefix => ’/home/acme/backup/’ );

my $dackup = Dackup->new(source => $source,destination => $dest,delete => 0,dry_run => 0,verbose => 1,throttle => ’1Mbps’,


Dackup targets



�ere are two main logical elements in a MythTVsystem:

L �e backend contains the TV capture cards, andstores the recorded video. A typical system willcontain at least one backend

L �e frontend is connected to your TV screenand lets you watch LiveTV and recorded shows.It gets its data from the backend


C: 21 ANN Playback tigger 0S: 2 OK


S: 4 2048

C: 63 QUERY_FILETRANSFER 32[]:[]SEEK[]:[]0[]:[]0[]:[]0[]:[]0[]:[]2048

S: 7 0[]:[]0


my $mythtv = Net::MythTV->new();my @recordings = $mythtv->recordings;foreach my $recording (@recordings) {my $filename = $recording->title .’ ’ . $recording->start;

$filename =~ s{[^a-zA-Z0-9]}{_}g;$filename .= ’.mpg’;$mythtv->download_recording($recording, $filename );


Scraping is not an API

my $ua = WWW::Mechanize->new;$ua->default_header( ’Accept-Language’=> ’en’ );

$ua->get(’/mythweb/tv/detail/’. "$channel_id/$programme_id");

$ua->submit_form(form_name => ’program_detail’,fields => { record => 1 },button => ’save’,


Date formats

# Sun, Jun 14, 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM (75 mins)my $strptime = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(pattern => ’%Y %a, %b %d, %I:%M %p’,locale => ’en_GB’,on_error => ’croak’,


# programme runs over midnightif ( $stop < $start ) {

$stop->add( days => 1 );}

Modern scraping

my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath->new;my $html = $response->decoded_content;$tree->parse_content( $html );my $nodeset =

$tree->findnodes(’//tr[@class="recorded"]’);foreach my $row ( $nodeset->get_nodelist ) {next if $row->as_HTML =~ /Still Recording/;...



my $programme = $mythweb->programme( $channel,$start_as_datetime );


my @recordings = $mythweb->recordings;foreach my $recording ( @recordings ) {



“�e project has been a great success, delivered onschedule, within budget and with only a littlethreatening to give up and start again from scratch”— Andrea
