Facebook Page Insights


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Facebook Page Insights

What Different Statistics Mean

People Who Like Page: Demographics, Location

People Reached: No. of people who have seen anything associated with the Page

Reach: Organic + Virality; Unique Users

Organic: Posts by page seen by page fansViral: When someone interacts with your Page and that interaction is published in their feed and ultimately their friends/followers seeing it.Chart shows no. of people seeing page content 1, 2 or more times.

A Viral Content: 83 Shares

People Are Talking About

Talking about this: Total number of unique people who created a story of any kind about your page or on your page.

Page Views

Page Views: The number of times your Page was viewed. Unique Visitors: The number of unique people who visited your Page.

‘X’ People Saw This Post

For the recent posts, admin can view the no. of people who saw the particular post, which means it appeared on their screens, timeline, ticker, or while they were on the page.Organic : Appeared on your subscribers’ timeline.Viral: Appeared on peoples’ timeline when a page subscriber shared or talked about it in his/her post.