Facebook 101


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Facebook & Fan or

Business Pages for

Realtors®An easy, effective and free way to engage your


What is a Fan or Business


S A Business Page (formerly called a Fan Page) is a page you create from your account, separate from your account.

S Unlike your personal page, a Business Page is visible to unregistered users and thus indexed by online search engines. Important for reputation management & easy to find and view.

S It is not directly connected to your personal account (like Groups are) so all Page updates come from the Page itself, not you personally- professional & businesslike.

Create a presence to connect

& engage…

S Name your page- the name you give your page is

permanent so make sure it’s one your users & clients will

recognize. In Real Estate, your name, your Team name,

or your website name are suitable.

S You can upload unlimited photos, but the most important

is the Profile Picture as this will be the thumbnail image

users will see in their newsfeed. A logo or your custom

artwork is also a great idea but make sure the image is

clear when reduced to thumbnail size.

Pick a Category & Name

S Pick the category that best fits what you'd like to promote

on Facebook. Don't worry if you don't find a perfect fit,

but pick the closest match since you won't be able to

change your category.

S Pick a name- the name should be your exact name, your

Team name or the name you use to identify YOUR


S Click “Create Page”

Add Information

S Click "Add information to this Page" underneath the

profile picture & enter as much basic & detailed

information as you can. This is basically your bio and

relevant company information

S The more details you can add about who you are, what

you do, and what sets you apart from the crowd, the

more successful your page will be. Remember Real

Estate is a cult of personality, so make yours shine


Make it interesting & engaging

S Making your fan page interactive and graphically

appealing are two of the most important ways to attract

new fans.

S It’s important to give your page some personality by

making it look attractive.

S Give your page some flare. Put a sharp graphic linking to

your website or a flashy banner along the side bar that

promotes a contest

Find the Pages Icon

S Facebook has undergone several template changes so it

can be tricky to find the icon.

S Find the Pages icon on your Home Page- it should be on

the left side of your feed page. Click it, & you will see the

“Ads & Pages” icon.

S Otherwise, on Account drop down menu, click “Help

Center” & under “Facebook Apps & Features” click on

“Pages for Business” and go to “How can I create a

page?” for a link.

Create Your Page

S You will be choosing an “Official Page” & creating a page

for a “Local Business”

S Choose “Real Estate” as your business category from

the drop down menu

S Tick the box to confirm you are the official

Representative of Your Business and Create Your Page.

Remember that the name you choose is permanent.

Customize Your Page

S Your Facebook Page picture is important. Think of it this

way: it has a permanent fixture on the upper-left hand

side of your page. When people search Facebook and

look for Pages, one of the first things that will attract their

eyes is the Page icon you chose.

S The little "note box" you see below your image is what

you'll need to give first-time visitors the scoop on what

your Facebook page is about. Click the little blue pencil

on the upper-right corner of this box, and it becomes


S Say something enticing & interesting about yourself &

your business

Fill Out Your Information

S Fill out your Info page as completely & as detailed as

possible, without being too wordy. You can give only what

Facebook asks or you can get more creative

S Here is where you can have a clickable web URL

S For or example, in your company overview, you can list

links to pages on your website, your newsletter signup

form, other social media like Twitter & LinkedIn

Think before

you post…Remember that whatever you

post on a Facebook page is

there for everyone to see…

Ready to Launch?

S Once you've gotten these fundamental steps done, it's up

to you if you'd like to release your new Facebook Page to

the world.

S Now all you have to do is publish the page.

S Simply click the "Edit page" link, then click "View Page."

You'll then see a message in its own box on the top of the

page that says: This Page has not been published. To

make this Page public, publish this Page

S If you don’t see this message it means your page is

already published- better get moving on content!

Promote Your Page to Your


S Suggest it to your friends! Click the "Suggest to Friends"

link on the left-hand menu under your Page picture, and

manually select friends. This has to been one at a time.

S When you suggest a Page to these friends, Facebook

doesn't allow you to attach a personal message to it. So,

your friends will only see a notification on their dashboard

saying "[Your Name] suggests you Like [Your Page]”

S You may want to tell your friends you are asking them to

Like your page as they may not see the suggestion.

Page Edit Screen

S The edit page section lets you set different things for your

page, which determine how your page is seen, and what

fans can or cannot do on it. You can also add on (or

remove) features.

S Settings- you can restrict who sees your page if you wish,

from which country it is visible & publish or un-publish.

S Wall Settings- what you want people to see, either before

or after they Like your page. “Fan Permissions” sets what

your fans can/can’t do on the page.


S Its fun & interesting to add Applications to your page.

S Click Edit Page and then go to Apps then click. An easy one to

add for starters is the LinkedIn App.

S Another great one is linking your Tweets to your Fanpage via

Selective Tweets.

S There are many applications available through Facebook &

third party developers. How deeply you want to get into it is up

to you.

Facebook Page Statistics

S Facebook has built in Facebook Analytics available right

on your page.

S Edit Page- then Insights. It is not always available as a

default setting & may require a few posts & interaction

before the Insights Analytics kick in.

Brief Intro re Insights/Analytics

S This week's statistics: A brief run-down of what

happened this week in terms of Page fans liking,

commenting and posting on your Page wall.

S Interactions graph: This graph takes your weekly

statistics and puts them in graph form, for those who

need a visual.

S Demographics: This very important bar graph gives you

a rundown of male vs. female interactions on your

Facebook Page in regard to the information within the

"interactions graph" mentioned above, along with their

age brackets. It lets you see which gender and age group

is most engaged with your Facebook Page.

Brief Intro re Insights/Analytics

S Fan Data Chart: This chart gives you a visual

representation of total vs. unsubscribed fans (people who

lurk on your page but don't fan it). The line will give you

the number of fans on a given page when you hover your

mouse over it.

S Fan Data Demographics: This bar-chart version of the

data mentioned in the Fan Data Chart gives you the

same data, but in numerical format. It also includes

gender and age bracket data.

Facebook Ads

S Facebook ads, while not free, are very affordable (charge

per click) & go to your targeted audience.

Post Something!

S Time to get the conversation started & post some content

S Interesting content will keep your users engaged

S When you post something on your page, it's available to

every single person who is a fan of that Page. Therefore,

make sure that your spelling is correct, and that

everything looks the way you want it to look.

S Note that people will be able to comment on your posts,

unless you've changed the default permissions to block

them from doing so...but this is social networking - not a

communist regime! Interaction is a good thing!

Post Often..but not too often…

S It is possible to post too much & people will Un-Like a

page that fills up their feed too much.

S Make sure your posts are relevant & have value for your

Fans. This is a great place to share your listings,

especially exclusive listings that aren’t on MLS.

S On average, pages post updates every 16 days, which is

too little. You don’t want your Fans to forget about you!

Facebook Mobile

S You can update your page from your phone- fun to do if

you have an interesting photo or immediate news you

want to share.

S Blackberry users update their page via email or visiting

their mobile Facebook site. The Blackberry Facebook

App doesn’t access Pages…yet

S iPhone users can visit their Pages from their App