Evaluation 7


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When constructing the title sequence I learnt that

technology plays a large part in pre

production, production and post-production. I was

introduced to a range of technologies, the first

technology I was introduced to is the camera. As the

director of my title sequence, I was responsible for

everything happening including the camera so I had

to make sure I had a clear understanding on what I

was doing. The key to learning how this technology

work is by using them. As I continued to use the

camera I realized that I was getting better.

When using the camera I learnt that I needed

more than one shot of a scene and I from

different angles, I learnt how to position the

camera to get a good shot of the different angles.

When shooting the hand held camera scenes I

learnt that the further my hands are from the

camera the less shaky it will be, so I used a mini

tripod to reduce how shaky the scene will be.

I used a green screen in two of my

scenes, the science lab scene and the

news report scene. I used After Effect to

add the background of a science lab and a

news report I got of the Internet. I didn’t

know how to use After Effect but I

researched it on the internet and asked my

teacher for help and I was a able to use it

and as I continued using it I got better at it.

I used Photoshop to create the news reports that were used in the

title sequence.

I edited my title sequence on software on the school mac called final

cut pro. I wasn’t good at using this software but my teacher made us

use it for a continuous sequence project and I continued using since

then and I have gotten better at it.

Due to the fact I had never done Media Studies before or had never

come across this piece of software when I first started I didn’t know

how to use the software to its maximum potential. The class had a

Final Cut Pro lesson in which we were taught the basic features and

effects that it provides, once I had learnt how to use it I pick up the

more advanced features and ways to do something quickly. I learnt

that when using this software patience is a vital asset, this is because

editing takes time to