Environmental Movement




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Environmental Movement

1970-1980Major events

Creation of EPA (1970)

EPA stands for Environmental Protection Agency

EPA was founded for “the specific purpose of protecting human health and safeguarding the natural environment” (Best)

EPA was the first federal agency designed to deal with pollution

EPA revolutionized the way pollution and environmental problems were dealt with

Set a precedent for future environmental agencies

Air Pollutions

Air pollution is significantly reduced by using of catalytic converters on the newer cars

New cars are predicted to be pollution free; however they prove to release harmful chemicals

Water pollution

Pollution is reduced by a large sewage treatment expansion program

Old sewers are being converted back into to the rivers that they used to be

The National Pollution Discharge Elimination system fails to eliminate discharges

Toxic chemicals

Toxic Chemicals become more noticeable dangerous and serious

Large corporations are causing harm to their employees by exposing them to the chemicals while they work

New regulations are forced to be set in 1980

1980-1990Major events


Depletion from fluorocarbons is finally taken seriously

Even strong conservatives are realizing the negative effects humans have caused to the ozone

Climate Changes

Global warming is becoming more convincing

More evidence suggests that the serve climate changes are serious

Global warming is warned but not taken as seriously as environmentalists would like

Toxic Waste

Congress passes legislation that allows cleaning up the toxic waste

By the year 2002 superfund runs out


Gulf War

Has a very negative effect on the environment with the multiple burning oil wells

Oil wells depletes a natural resources while releasing harmful fumes and causing harm to marine and land animals

Environment vs. Economy

A poll is taken to see whether Americans favor the environment or economic development

“A Gallup poll finds 76 percent of Americans call themselves environmentalists.” (Kovarik)

There tension between republicans and democrats regarding which issue to support

2000-PresentMajor Events

Change in Presidency

Bill Clinton, a devoted environmentalist, leaves the Presidency

President George W. Bush, a man who favors industry over the environment, becomes president in 2001

However, President Obama restores the environmental missions for activists and government mandated agencies when he is elected in 2009

Coal Mining

Coal mining begins to be viewed as unsafe

With multiple coal mining disasters the public sees coal mining as a waste of effort, people, and coal

The coal industry shrinks because the public realizes how bad coal can be for the environment

Global Climate Change

This issue becomes a priority for political figures, activists, and scientists

The nation becomes more tolerable towards the idea of “being green”

Animals and wild life begin to be severely affected by the climate change
