Enterprise social adoption designing for success


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Designing for Success User Adoption - Experiences from the field Christoph Schmaltz Collaboration Strategist

Technology Organisation

People Culture

The 3 pillars of successful adoption

Pillar I: Technology

Technology must be...

Easy to use Consumer-grade experience Mobile In the flow (integration) Secure

Pillar II: Organization

Set up cross-functional team Get Senior Management support Address risks Nominate community facilitators Support awareness and learning

Pillar III: People

Think about

Usefulness (for the user) Influencing human behaviour Harnessing selfish behaviour

Usefulness: Identifying the right audience

Your organisation How work gets done

Whose problem are you trying to solve?

Usefulness: Defining use cases

Where are the biggest business challenges?

Usefulness: Solving pain points

“As a project lead I want to have all documentation in

one place, so that team members can be sure where to

find the latest files and communication.”

(example user story)

What problem are you trying to solve for them?

Influencing human behaviour

Encourage positive behavior Discourage negative behavior Use data to influence behaviour Gamification (but focus on business metrics not project metrics)

Harnessing selfish behaviour

WIIFM (What’s in it for me?) Enable people to build their own brand and reputation Improve individual productivity

Other Adoption Tactics

When people are financially invested, they want a return.

When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.

(author unknown)

Giving ownership to the people

Nurturing your champions

Encouraging good practices

Alex was at a Big Data conference, posting updates to his wall. From the responses he realized that the topic resonated with a few other colleagues so he created the Big Data subject on tibbr. Within 72 hours, 50 people had started following the subject. Six weeks later, more than 100 people are discussing how customer can make use of Big Data, something that has the potential to redefine the company and its products.

tibbr allows you to find the right information, at the right time

and in context.

Collaboration Strategists accelerate the adoption of tibbr in your


PREPARE • Prepare use cases • Develop the plan • Seed the information architecture • Define the architecture

ROLLOUT • Launch material • Communicate help material • Communicate policies • Launch event/video


• Encourage best practices • Act on usage trends • Enabling real world conversations

INTEGRATE • Bring end-to-end business processes into the

activity stream • Technical integration with systems of record

tibbr Rollout Methodology

Some of our successful clients

Thank you! Christoph Schmaltz Twitter: @christoph

http://www.flickr.com/photos/davegray/5429942502/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/davegray/5429335705/in/photostream/ http://blogs.bmj.com/bjsm/2011/10/20/in-response-to-fitness-and-health-of-children-through-sport-the-context-for-action/ http://images.greatergreaterwashington.org/images/200806/lakeshore.jpg http://photo.net/philip-greenspun/photos/digiphotos/200206-yellowstone-2/kyle-needs-help-2.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/duaneschoon/5771661287/

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