Emotional intelligence by sunitha narsin


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EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEWhat is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence, also

known as (EI) refers to the ability to perceive i.e., knowing how you feel and being able to label and feel the feelings, control (this does not mean suppress or stuff, but appropriately respond and express), and evaluate emotions (i.e., come to an understanding of the source of the emotions, what they do to you and how to harness the power behind the emotions for good!)


• Emotional intelligence refers to a learned ability to perceive, understand and express our feelings accurately and to control our emotions so that they work for us and not against us.

It is about• knowing how you and others feel and what to do

about it.• Knowing what makes feel good and what makes feel

bad and how to get from bad to good.• Possessing emotional awareness sensitively and the

management skills that will help us to maximize our long-term happiness and survival.



• “ There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” Shakespeare

Knowledge of Emotional Intelligence is important because of

* The changing nature of work*Increasing complexity

*Rise in competition*Rising stress levels

* Globalization of markets


• The model introduced by Daniel Goleman focuses on EI as a wide array of competencies and skills that drive leadership performance.

• Goleman's model outlines four main constructs:

• 1.Self - Awareness• 2.Self - Management• 3.Social Awareness• 4.Relationship Management

Emotional Intelligence helps us :

• to rise to the top

• to develop problem solving techniques

• develop healthy human relationships with every one

• develop leadership qualities and self confidence

Emotional competencies are not innate talents, but rather learned capabilities that must be worked on and can be developed to achieve outstanding performance. Goleman says that individuals are born with a general emotional intelligence that determines their potential for learning emotional competencies

• Emotional intelligence is the ability to better attune yourself with your feelings. Many people do not have emotional intelligence because they have a difficulty expressing what they feel or understanding their feelings in the first place.

• Personal Competence is the collective power of your

self-awareness and

self-management skills. It’s how you use emotional intelligence in situations that are more about you personally.

How to attain emotional


• becoming emotionally literate

• differentiate your thoughts from your feelings



Self-awareness – the ability to read one's emotions and recognize their impact while using gut feelings to guide decisions.Self-management – involves controlling one's emotions and impulse and adapting to changing circumstances.

Social awareness – the ability to sense, understand, and react to others' emotions while comprehending social networks.Relationship management – the ability to inspire, influence, and develop others while managing conflict.

Measurement of the Emotional Competencies in Goleman model

Two measurement tools are based on the Goleman model:

The Emotional Competency Inventory (ECI), which was created in 1999, and the Emotional and Social

Competency Inventory (ESCI), which was created in 2007.

The Emotional Intelligence Appraisal was created in 2001.

Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI) : Based on an older instrument known as the Self-Assessment

Questionnaire, the ECI involves having people who know the individual offer ratings of that person’s

abilities on a number of different emotional competencies.

*One great characteristic of people who have attained emotional intelligence is that they are responsible for what they feel and they use these feelings to help them make wise decisions.

*Knowing and understanding your own feelings is different from understanding the feelings of others, but both have to work together.

* In order for you to attain emotional intelligence, you have to understand what other people are feeling and respect them for it. It is important that you empathize with other people and accept their feelings.

• Avoid people who are negative towards you. This will not help you develop your emotional intelligence, it will only hamper it.

• Give your emotional intelligence room to grow and develop by surrounding yourself with positive people willing to support you.


Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Application of Emotional Intelligence





• Conflict is the result of people having different needs, opinions, and expectations. The reality of conflict is that in any human relationship it is inevitable. More importantly, if handled well conflict provides a powerful avenue for significant growth. Hence developing good conflict resolution techniques is very important and essential.

• Conflict resolution involves recognizing and managing the particular conflict.

• This is essential part of building emotional intelligence, and nurturing relationships.

• Poorly handled conflict can affect both the employees and the clients thereby impacting the company’ bottom-line.
