Education -english classes our a waist-tea party edition


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When eye was ate, the principle scent me in too the haul buy myself because I mist to many problems. Yes, I did pore on sum Ann sirs, butt that is inn the

passed. Too day, as a groan man, I have know moor patients with being hair assed. Eye wont hire standards, but moor English lessens our knot the answer. Banned together too altar this waist of thyme. Their is to much at steak fore us

too knot stand up for watts wright. Miner miss stakes inn grammar wood seam a Thai knee problem. Dew I speak inn vane? Dew ewe think my English is pour? Eye was razed wright and I’ve ben threw what seams like weigh to much. Teem

with me and ad your voice. Be scene and bee herd!

C.R. Holloway 2012

We Are Americans. Why Do We Need English Language

