Drupal Day 2011 - Features: una vita felice



Talk di Daniele Piaggesi & Luca CorboIl modulo Features per Drupal 7, permette al developer di costruire singole funzionalità riusabili in molteplici situazioni, oltre a disaccoppiare definitivamente la fase configurativa del CMS con la sua base dati.In questa sessione vedremo velocemente dei casi d'uso del sistema di ""featuring"" di Drupal, quando usarle e con quali accortezze. E perchè questa funzionalità rende Drupal un CMS decisamente più duttile e maturo della sua concorrenza.

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Features: configuration out of Database!

Luca Corbo / Daniele Piaggesi - bmeme


‣ The dreams‣ The real life‣ Modules we really need‣ What you need to know...

Luca Corbo

Link: http://bmeme.comLink: http://lucasforge.bmeme.comLInk : http://www.openattitude.net


Daniele Piaggesi

Link: http://bmeme.comLink: http://syscallme.bmeme.comLInk : http://www.openattitude.net


The dreams


Build a Drupal web application with a single click !

The dreams

Reuse your configurations as piece of code in different instances of Drupal

The real life

What we need to package:

‣ Drupal core ‣ Contrib & Custom modules‣ Libraries & Patches‣ Theme‣ Structure (entities, views, contexts, ....)‣ Environment configuration‣ Data

The real life

What we need to package:

‣ Drupal core ‣ Contrib & Custom modules‣ Libraries & Patches‣ Theme‣ Structure (entities, views, contexts, ....)‣ Environment configuration‣ Data

Drush make & Profile

Which tools can help:

Features Strongarm Node export features

Modules we really need

‣ Features‣ Features extra‣ Features Plumber‣ UUID / UUID Features‣ Strongarm‣ Context & Delta‣ Boxes ‣ Node export

and obviously.... drush

What you need to know...

‣ Design first of all‣ Don’t use shared fields‣ Always declare your dependencies‣ Check auto-detected dependencies‣ Build one feature at once‣ Follow the “kit” specs (http://drupal.org/project/kit) ... and cross your fingers

Grazie dell’attenzione

Q&ADaniele Piaggesi@g0blin79


Luca Corbo@lucacorbo

