Dream trip


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Dream TripBy: Baez Sherman

Paris, France

Palace of Versailles

Dear Friends,

The Versailles palace is so pretty. When the palace was built, there was a small village around the palace. The palace was a center of a political power. At the palace has 5 gardens. There are 700 rooms in the palace. There are 37,000 acres that the palace. The palace of Versailles is so big and so pretty. The picture is of the palace. The treaty of Versailles was signed here.

From, Baez

Battlefield of the Somme

Dear Friends, The battlefields are full of green grass. There are grooves in the ground were the trenches were. I can imagine how hard it would be to live in them. They are really small. In the battle of the Somme over 200,000 French soldiers died. The picture is of the battlefield.

From, Baez

London, England

Cabinet War Rooms

Dear Friends, The cabinet war rooms are underground.The complex housed Churchill and his during the bombing. It also has a Churchill museum in it. The war rooms were built under treasury building. The first picture is of one of the war rooms. The second picture is of the building it is under. From, Baez

Imperial War Museum

Dear Friends,The imperial war museum is so amazing. The museum was started during ww1. It was intended for war effort and sacrifice for Britain. The museum was first housed in the Crystal Palace. The picture is of the war museum. At the museum you can see things like life at war. From, Baez



Mayan Ruins

Dear Friends, The Mayan ruins are so cool to see. It is cool to imagine that you are there during the time. The ruins are made out of stone. The Mayans used them a places to worship. They were also used for places of sacrifice. The picture is of one of the Mayan ruins.

From, Baez

Cancun Underwater Museum

Dear Friends,The Cancun underwater museum are amazing. You think that they are kind of creepy at first but after awhile they are really cool. The piece of art shown in the picture is a big group of clay people. There are others like a man on a bike. Also a dining room table. From, Baez



Dear Friends, Hiroshima has grown so much since we bombed them. After they were nuked everything was flat. This is shown in the second picture. But, now a days it is built with big sky scrapers. Some things that you can see are the Arima Spa, Himeja Castle and many more things.From, Baez

Dear friends, Nagasaki is just like Hiroshima. They both came up from nothing. It is so cool to see. A cool thing to go an see is the Gunkanjima which is a small battle ship island. You can see this is the second picture. The first picture is of water front in Nagasaki.From, Baez



Sydney Opera House

Dear Friends, The Sydney opera house is really pretty. You can see it in the picture. It is used for  multi-venue performing arts center. It sits out by the water which make it even more gorgeous. From, Baez

Sydney Harbor Bridge

Dear friends, The Sydney harbor bridge is really pretty. It is by the ocean which makes it even more gorgeous. The bridge is made out of steel. It was built on June 28, 1923. From, Baez

Paris Flag: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Paris.svg   Palace of Versailles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Versailles_Palace.jpg   Somme- http://

www.greatwar.co.uk/somme/memorial-newfoundland-park.htm  London-


  Churchill war rooms- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Londres_189..jpg   Another room- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cab_War_Rooms_3.jpg   War museum-

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:The_Imperial_war_museum.jpg   Mexican flag- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Mexico.svg   Mayan Ruin-

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tikal_Guatemala_Templo_I_2008.jpg   Underwater museum-




Underwater museum- http://www.latimes.com/travel/deals/la-trb-offbeat-cancun-underwater-museum,0,1381420.photogallery

  Japanese Flag- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Japan.svg   Hiroshima- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:HiroshimaNight.jpg   Hiroshima- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:AtomicEffects-Hiroshima.jpg   Nagasaki- http://wikitravel.org/en/Image:Battle-Ship_Island_Nagasaki_Japan.jpg   Nagasaki- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Nagasaki_C1414.jpg   Australian flag- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Australia.svg   Sydney Opera House-

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sydney_opera_house_side_view.jpg   Sydney Harbor Bridge-

