Double Page Spread Production Work


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Double Page Spread Production Work

To create my double page spread I used the same programme that I used to create my contents page,


The first thing I added was my image. It shows the band in their practice room. I inserted it using the picture tool

highlighted on the above print screen.

I created my headline using my interview with Harbour Season. When listening back to the interview I found that the band members were joking around a lot and incorporated this

in the headline. I used the text tool to add this.

After this I added the stand first to give an idea of what the article is about. I wrote this again using the interview recording. The byline is included in the stand first.

To add the text for my article I first had to import the text from a Microsoft Word file. The word file had no formatting as this was added in QuarkXPress, including things like the drop capital and

the formatting at the start of each paragraph.

After this, to avoid overwhelming the reader with text, I added a quote from the interview as well as details on the EP in the bottom right corner. At this stage I also added the page


Completed Double Page Spread