Do not fear the Cell Tower



This deck highlights some of the common 'fears' amongst people concerning Cell Towers. It exposes that these 'fears' are indeed baseless & the claims are substantiated with strong research studies & facts!

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Do not fear the

Cell Tower

Present scenario - 2013

• More than 90 crore cell phone subscribers

• 5 lakh cell phone towers

Consumer Concerns

• Harmful radiation from cell phone cause cancer

• Common complaints - Sleep Disorder, Headache, Depression, Hearing Loss, Joint Problems, etc

• Severe Problems – Paralysis, Seizure, Miscarriages, Cancer

• Children & pregnant women are more vulnerable

Lesser-known facts

• Cell tower radiation has a million times less energy than that of x-rays or gamma rays.

• Radiation cannot damage the cells in your body, nor can it change some of them into rogue cells that multiply uncontrollably to cause cancer.

WHO Factsheet no. 304 states...

“Considering the very low exposure levels and research results collected to date, there is no convincing scientific evidence that the weak RF [radio frequency] signals from base stations and wireless networks cause adverse health effects...”

Findings of other research studies

• No increased risk of brain cancer has been observed by Interphone

• IARC's list of carcinogenic agents includes coffee, picked vegetables, certain fatty acids in coconut oil used to make soaps, talcum powder

• IMC states that there is no conclusive proof of harm from cell tower radiation

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