Digipak research


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Reagan, Ben & Bobby

What is a digipak? A digipak is a patented style of CD or DVD packaging, and is a registered trademark

to MeadWestvaco. Not all CD copy have digipaks as it is mainly special edition copies.

Digipaks typically consist of a book style paperboard or card stock outer binding, and the middle consists of either 1 or 2 plastic trays for the disks to sit on.

These form of cases are more likely to wear over time and are not as user friendly as the traditional plastic case.

Digipaks became very popular with artists in 2000 as they are a very good promotional technique. This is because they allow the artist to use many different images of anything they want which could draw attention to audiences.

Folds Digipaks are designed in order to fold into a square CD case. They can fold

many different ways and can have as many panels as the artist desires.

The front and back panels of digipaks are the main promoters for the artist. This is because the images on them will be the first thing the audience will see.

The inside of the digipak is more used to provide information to the viewer as they often include things about the artist, song and the album.

The theme of the outside is much more vibrant and stands out more than the inside, which is normally very subtle.

Front The front of the digipak is normally the most eye catching

part of it. It will include a large picture which will stand out from a distance.

The picture on the front panel will have some form of relation to the album and what it is about.

The front panel will also include the artists name and the name of the album or song.

Back The back panel of a digipak will include the track list,

barcode, extra information, artist/album name, record label and artwork.

Inside The inside of a digipak is where the disk itself is. The disk will be held in

place by a clear plastic holder, this may be on both sides if it is a double disk CD. The holder is clear because there will be more artwork behind the CD. This is to carry on the theme of the other panels, and to keep it interesting for the user.

With some digipaks they may also include a pull out which may include more information about the artist and more artwork.

Jack Johnson- front & back cover

Information about the album

Artist/album name Track list


Special edition version

Record labelLinks to different websites

Jack Johnson- Inside covers

The artist himself

Album name

Album name/artist name

The cd

Album artwork

Pull out