Different types of blog available



A table of the differnt types of blog

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• This is not a presentation• So don't expect pictures and a nice layout. • I tired to paste a table from word onto Tumblr,

but it just came up as text.• So i am using slideshow to create the table

with my research results/evaluations and putting each blog on a separate slide.

Blog Site Information Number of users (the more users, the more popular, greater impact on bloggers)

Type (does the blog reach its expectations of type of blog?)

Tools offered (what makes one blog different to the other)

Blogger.com Started by Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan at Pyra Labs in 1999 it was one of the first major blogging host sites, encouraging the push button publishing. It was largely responsible for bringing blogging to mainstream culture by enabling many bloggers to create a blog.

No exact figures but millions of blogs are created using blogger.com making it a popular host to create blogs on

As a blog hosting site it offers all types of blogs.

A Google account is required to make a blog on this blog hosted site. With other blogs this is not needed you just sign up to the blog or site. It offers the typical blogging tools available to bloggers such as changing the css code and posting photos and text posts. It has an interface for post editing and improved image handling. New features include post stamping where you can add your location.

Blog Site Information Number of users (the more users, the more popular, greater impact on bloggers)

Type (does the blog reach its expectations of type of blog?)

Tools offered (what makes one blog different to the other)

Tumblr.com Available to the web in 2007 by David Karp, and emphasizes its ease of use by posting as a short form blog (tumblelog)

Tumblr says as of February 19th 2012 it had 45.1 million blogs (wikipedia 1) and As of July 2010, the site receives 25,000 new users each day according to Siegler, MG. (wikipedia 1) These stats show that it is a fast growing blog and widely used so there is a great impact.

Media type/tumblelog.Yes as the blog has many post type features tumbled into one, which is the purpose of a tumblelog. This is unlike traditional blogging services, which have a one-size-fits-all post format.

Like social networks it has put the like and follow feature in. Bloggers can share all types of media from usual photos and video, to different featured tools like chat where you can blog a conversation you had. With this blog, bloggers are able to be anonymous and ask questions to other tumblr users. Reblogging posts are the main feature which doesn’t feature in other blogs.

Blog Site Information Number of users (the more users, the more popular, greater impact on bloggers)

Type (does the blog reach its expectations of type of blog?)

Tools offered (what makes one blog different to the other)

Wordpress.org Released to the web in 2003 by Matt Mullenweg. As a control management system where users can share and contribute to stored data it is Collaborative.It is also built by hundreds of community volunteers.

As of December 2011, the wordpress download counter had 65 million downloads (wikipedia 2) so that’s a lot of users, meaning that it is popular.

Corporate and organisational blog/filter blog/topic driven blog/personal blog. As a control management system it enables many kinds of blogs to be made which has the ability to be any type of blog.

This blog offers many themes, like Blogger does. It enables plugins that allow the blogger to go beyond the basics features and widgets that you can drag and drop making it easier to change the content of your blog. It is available on mobile so that you can edit your blog from there, most blogs don’t do.

Blog Site Information Number of users (the more users, the more popular, greater impact on bloggers)

Type (does the blog reach its expectations of type of blog?)

Tools offered (what makes one blog different to the other)

Boingboing.net Launched as a blog in 2000, it is collaborative as a group of people create the blog and then readers read it.

Users are able to subscribe to it and it is also available over twitter (121554 followers) and Facebook. (29569 likes) with this many followers and likes we can presume that it has many users that read the blog regularly. Not as many as popular as other blog sites but is still successful as has been around since 2000.

Filter blog. It does reach its expectations as it has many different links linking to different blogs and websites and contains a wide range of topics.

Offers the reader videos and photo’s to look at along with articles with hyperlinks that link to other websites and blogs. Reader is able to subscribe with an RSS feed and an archive with the popular topics is shown. Blogs usually provide an archive to show everything that they have posted but sometimes they don’t show the most popular posts for example Tumblr.

Blog Site Information Number of users (the more users, the more popular, greater impact on bloggers)

Type (does the blog reach its expectations of type of blog?)

Tools offered (what makes one blog different to the other)

Boingboing.net Launched as a blog in 2000, it is collaborative as a group of people create the blog and then readers read it.

Users are able to subscribe to it and it is also available over twitter (121554 followers) and Facebook. (29569 likes) with this many followers and likes we can presume that it has many users that read the blog regularly. Not as many as popular as other blog sites but is still successful as has been around since 2000.

Filter blog. It does reach its expectations as it has many different links linking to different blogs and websites and contains a wide range of topics.

Offers the reader videos and photo’s to look at along with articles with hyperlinks that link to other websites and blogs. Reader is able to subscribe with an RSS feed and an archive with the popular topics is shown. Blogs usually provide an archive to show everything that they have posted but sometimes they don’t show the most popular posts for example Tumblr.

Blog Site Information Number of users (the more users, the more popular, greater impact on bloggers)

Type (does the blog reach its expectations of type of blog?)

Tools offered (what makes one blog different to the other)

Thoughts.com Benjamin Ogden launched it in 2007 with the purpose of evolving and creating a unique blogging community that encourages social conversation and connects like-minded people through its community forums and live discussions.

Unclear to how many users, but its community is narrowed down to those interested in thoughtful and meaningful topics such as love, divorce, poems, relationships friends and family. (Has many tags of this) expected from a personal blog.

Personal blog, Bloggers are able to create their very own personal blog. However the participation in groups and discussions. It breaks the boundary of traditional personal blogs by being able to discuss their experiences in a group

It connects you to others from the very first post. This is unique and not seen in other blogs, as normally you are recommended what blogs to follow. Bloggers are meant to write the blog and the site provides the audience. It contains multimedia tools that allow the blogger to share photos and videos with ease, much like all blogs do. Bloggers are able to connect and discuss topics by creating groups, similar to social networking sites.

Blog Site Information Number of users (the more users, the more popular, greater impact on bloggers)

Type (does the blog reach its expectations of type of blog?)

Tools offered (what makes one blog different to the other)

posterous.com Launched in 2008, Posterous allows bloggers to set up a simple blog through email, and then submit content either through their email or by online editor.

Cannot find stats of how many users online, but a blog post on July 2011, a blog on posterous called jailcloud said: “This morning we just passed the 500,000 (half a million) users milestone for Jolicloud” this suggests that there are a lot of users using this blog and using posterous so that they can view the blog.

Media type/micro blog. Seen as this type of blog, however its content is much larger than that of other micro blogs such as twitter, but still reasonably small in terms of content in a post compared to the typical blog.

Like the typical blog, it allows you to posts photos text and video and people can comment and like them.

Blog Site Information Number of users (the more users, the more popular, greater impact on bloggers)

Type (does the blog reach its expectations of type of blog?)

Tools offered (what makes one blog different to the other)

Dailykos.com An American political blog, founded in 2002 by Markos Moulitsas. It was once a news organisation community. Among luminaries posting diaries on the site are President Jimmy Carter, Senator Barack Obama, and other senators and governor’s. Hundreds of thousands of Americans that use Daily Kos to shape a political world .

The site says it has with 2 million unique visitors per month and 300,000 registered users. For one topic based around politics this is a lot of users, but compared to the total number of bloggers together and to number of bloggers on other blogs this can be seen as a small number. It is smaller than other blogs because this blog is purely focused on political topics.

Topic driven blog. Yes this is a topic driven blog as it focuses a lot on topics such as politics and the news in a strong amount of detail as it is an American political blog.

Posts are seen as dairy posts that in a high amount of detail. The blogger can also post a comic reflecting on a point they are trying to make, much like those that are seen in traditional papers. No other blogs allow comics to be posts, but they do allow images to be posts so they are fairly similar.

Blog Site Information Number of users (the more users, the more popular, greater impact on bloggers)

Type (does the blog reach its expectations of type of blog?)

Tools offered (what makes one blog different to the other)

musicarcades.com A music genre blog set up from 2005-2011 by David Jennings. It contains a reflective account of what he felt when he listened to a particular song on his playlist on a day.

Looking through his posts there weren’t many comments at all. This shows little participation in the blog and so a small amount of bloggers.

Genre specific blog. It focuses on music as a genre but in particular the music he has listened to and makes a reflective account on it. This could be seen as a personal blog too.

On it is an archive and it is arranged as calendar with the pictures of the music art associated with the song he listens to. There are also links available to places like amazon where you can buy the song he is talking about. It is mainly text based with a lot of links.

REFRENCES• boing boing facebook [WWW] http://www.facebook.com/boingboing accessed

(19/02/2012)• boing boing twitter [WWW] availble at: https://twitter.com/#!/boingboing accessed

(19/02/2012)• Dailykos about [WWW] avilable at: http://www.dailykos.com/special/about2

(19/02/2012)• David Jenkins, music arcades, [WWW] avilable at: http://www.musicarcades.com/

accessed (19/02/2012)• Tariq Krim, Earth is a beta test, teh story of jailcloud in 500,000 users. [WWW] available

at: http://tariqkrim.posterous.com/500000-jolicloud-users-and-the-jolicloud-act (19/02/2012)

• Thoughts.com [WWW] availble at: http://www.thoughts.com/ accessed (19/02/2012)• wikipedia 1 [WWW] avilable at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tumblr accessed

(19/02/2012)• wikipedia 2 [WWW] available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WordPress accessed
