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AOpen:Channel, track or line that can be connected at any time. For example, TV broadcasts are open and encrypted broadcasts.Accessibility:Accessibility is the ease of access for people with difficulties in implementing technologies like the Internet represents the adaptation of web pages for easy navigation by the disabled or elderly.Shortcut:They are icons for opening programs and files quickly from the desktop or from the toolbar ..Update:Is to publish new information on a website. An updated website indicates you have new information in short periods of time. It is also understood to update the act to refresh or reload a web page to load completely.Agent:In the relationship between the user and the server end there are numerous systems that mediate the exchange of information, these systems are called agents.


Backup:Backup. Is to save the file to a different device to work, to prevent any loss of information, failure or computer failure. It is advisable to make regular backups of all information contained on the hard disk. Broadband:Is a connection to the Net via high-speed technologies. These connections go beyond the data transfer speed of 56Kbs.Narrowband:It is a traditional connection to the network based on the telephone line and also to allow a transfer rate of less than 56Kbs prevents phone calls while maintaining connection exists.Inbox:Folder where the messages received by email.The OutboxFolder where messages are stored before being sent by email.


Cable:It is understood by those wired high-speed allow connection via fiber optic cables, may also offer other services such as television or phone in Spain offer these services and ONO, among other smaller companies.Wiring:Is central and fundamental structure of a network based on cable connections.Cache:Means "caught." Is to store a type of computer memory pages and files to facilitate the speed of the load in future applications, this copy is done automatically, without requiring the user to perform a certain action, which helps improve and optimize navigation and computer performance.Webcam:This is a small low-resolution digital camera with the lens or video conferencing functionality on the Web are usually very easy to configure and connect, allowing high compatibility with video conferencing software such as NetMeeting or Messenger.Campus Party:Also known as LAN Party, is a meeting offline, that is physical and real, of Internet and network players, aiming to meet and surf and play together in networks more powerful than those offered by Internet providers.emailed.



data entry. Process of entering data into a computer for processing.Data:

data, information.Hard Drive:Is the central unit of computer memory, is a magnetic disk having a large capacity.Download (Download)On the Internet, is the process of transferring information from an information server to the user's personal computer.Driver:Software drivers that are necessary for the operation of parts or peripherals of a computer.


E-mail:It is one of the most used Internet applications, is a fast messaging system that lets you send messages and files from a user's computer to another computer. For sending and receiving mail you need to be connected to our server.Emoticon (Smiley)Graphic symbol representing the different expressions of the human face. Used to show the mood in the written communications through the network (email, chat, etc..).Encryption:Encryption or encryption is the treatment of the data contained in a file, to prevent anyone except the recipient of reading them.Ethernet:One type of local area network developed by Xerox at the moment is the most widely used despite the boom of Wi-Fi networks. These networks began taking a speed of 10 Mbps but later versions have appeared at 100 Mbps or 1 Gbps.Extension:They are characters that specify the type of a file. After a point is added after the name of the file.


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):It consists of a list of "Frequently Asked Questions" of users on a topic, or specific web application. Administrators or developers will respond in order to facilitate and expedite aid to users.Firewall:System or program that sits between a computer or local network and Internet to ensure that all communications are secure, thus preventing the attack from hackers and crackers to the ports of the system.Electronic signature:As usual signature, electronic signature can identify a user on the network. It is intended to equate to the normal signature.Flash:Application developed by Macromedia that allows you to generate dynamic content using vector graphics animations. Many websites are developed with this application and therefore require the player of this application so that the user can correctly view its contents.Forum:A website (site, web, ...) where users can leave their opinions and messages in relation to a particular topic. Can be answered by other users who access the forum.


Hacker:Well known to the person who has reached a deep knowledge about the inner workings of a system and accessing it without malice and without causing any damage. To demonstrate his knowledge of computers and detect vulnerabilities in systems very safe. Hardware:It is what is known as the physical part of both the computer and peripherals from differentHD (Hard Disk):Hard disk, the central computer memory, is a magnetic disk having a large capacity.Hexadecimal:Numbering system in base 16. The figures are plotted from 0 to 9 and A to F. It is used because it allows represent four binary digits in a hexadecimal.HypertextDocument written in HTML that contains links to other documents that may be further hypertext documents. Normally you can access hypertext documents via web browsers. It also identifies hypertext link or link.


Icon:Graphic symbol displayed on a computer screen to represent a particular action to perform, such as running a program, open a file, print a document or display a folder.ICQ:Instant messaging system that allows communication between users and the exchange of small files. Now with the boom of Internet technology and has been superseded by type system from Microsoft or Yahoo Messenger.PROTECTED:Internet surfer.Intranet:This is an internal network within an organization that allows its employees access to a restricted system. The essence of this system is that connection to share resources like printers, Internet, Servers ...IP (Internet Protocol):Is the set of rules governing the transmission of data packets over the Internet. The IP address consists of 32 bits represented by dotted decimal notation, this address identifies the computer connected to the Internet.


JAVA:Language developed by Sun Microsystems for the development of export applications to the network, capable of operating on any platform, web browsers normally.JPEG (Joint Phtographic Experts Group):Compressed image format (lossy). JPEG graphics that can be included in HTML pages, are recognized and displayed by Web browsers.

LLAN (Local Area Network):Network devices that cover a small area. Normally used for buildings, office complexes or small towns.Link:Hypertext pointers used to jump from one information to another, from one page to another or from one server to another, when browsing the Internet. Also link or link.Linux:Operating system implemented by Linus Torvalds, based Unix and published in 1994. His interest is that its code is open under the GNU, which means that its development was made with input from different users. From here came the whole philosophy of free software. Login:Login or when logging is done take steps to identify and access restricted services of a portal. In some cases the word login is used in place of the word you or Nick.Lurking:A term referring to a subscriber in a newsgroup or a mailing list simply follow the discussion without participating. Beginners are advised to know the style and atmosphere of the group.

MMac:It is known as Apple's Macintosh computers. Incompatible with the PC's but with much better performance for any type of multimedia work.Mainframe:Mainframe or microcomputer. High-capacity computers are used for large operations such as those in banking.Flash Memory:Small storage device. Its capacity is variable but there are already some more than 1 GB. Connect to PC via USB, no batteries required and are self installable.MIDI:Encrypted music format that makes use of standard tools that incorporate all sound cards with MIDI capability.Modem:Hardware device that allows connecting a computer to the network. It is necessary to differentiate the traditional modem ADSL modem, which enables more optimal advantage of the telephone line.


On-line:Relating to any document or file indicates that service is available through the network.Object orientation:It is a programming paradigm in which variables instead of using objects that can have a state and attitudes or methods.OSI (Open Systems Interconnect) universal standard for communication protocols.

PWebsite:Document displayed in the browser. May simply contain text or graphics and multimedia. When we refer to the overall content of a website we should call it Web Site.Password:Word or set of characters used to identify an authorized user. It is a password.PC (Personal Computer):PCs aimed at users created by IBM. It began marketing in 1982. Its compatibility with other computers and the alliance with Microsoft to establish in all its operating system, led to the success of the PC against Apple Computer. It is now understood by any desktop PC without the need to be IBM, with the exception of Apple that inconsistent and are still known as MacPDA (Personal Digital Assistant):Micro laptop very small, about the size of the palm, which is handled with a touch screen that is operated with a stylus.Peripheral:External device to a computer that is not a fundamental part of it and you can interact with the outside through the input, output and data storage.

QQuickTime:Software developed by Apple that lets you view video files.

RRAM (Random Access Memory):It is the main memory which have computers. It stores the data while we are working. It's kind of volatile, ie, when you turn off the computer data are lost, so if you want to keep must be stored in a nonvolatile media type (hard disk, CD,.).Mouse:Computer peripheral displacement on a surface which is replicated on-screen pointer.ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network):Technology that combines voice and digital services over a single cable, allowing customers to offer digital data services and voice connections through a single 'cable', with a maximum transmission speed of 128 KbpsNetwork:A computer network is a data communication system that connects computer systems located in different places.ROM (Read Only Memory):It is a read-only memory as its name suggests. In principle can not be changed and contains the information necessary to use the computer to start up.

SServer:System that provides resources and services to personal computers. Often used to refer to those systems that provide information to users.Shareware:They are a type of software that is distributed on a trial basis for free, with a commitment to pay the author his price once tried the product and having received acceptance.Operating system:Software responsible for managing all hardware and computer software. Windows, Linux, MacOS or MS-DOS are examples of operating systems.Smiley:Graphic symbol representing the different expressions of the human face. Used to show the mood in the written communications through the network (email, chat, etc..).Software:Is the logic of the computer. Are the different programs that can use the machines and allow the various actions or tasks to hardware.

TTCP / IP:Communication protocol that underlies the Internet. Thanks to this protocol, the network is not centralized and when a computer calls another chooses a random direction which will tend to be optimal.TIFF (Tagged Image File Format):Image file format selected. It is a format in which images have so much quality as they occupy space so do not recommend using it for images to be used in web.Token Ring:A type of network that is characterized by a ring topology in which there is a token or witness who goes through the various stations of the network which gives permission to the control station has to transmit.Trojan:Computer program that carries within it the necessary programming for the operator or user of the computer system can access the outside in is installed. To detect and remove these malicious programs will need a antivirus software. Some Trojans allow the external user (hacker) a total team control, and are considered very dangerous.


Unix:First multi-user operating system developed with a high level language like C. Appeared in 1971 and has evolved over time with the cooperation of various entities. Use and administration is a bit complex but with the emergence of Linux has expanded its use for PC's.UMTS (Universal Mobile Telephone Service):Communication technology of the third generation mobile telephony.USB (Universal Serial Bus):Is a connection device that allows support of up to 256 peripherals. You can connect and disconnect the computer running. This makes a big difference, since the former involves installing a corresponding connector card drivers and reboot the computers.

VVirus Class: is a virus that affects Calculating returns of Microsoft Office. He also called © n W97M.Class.G. This virus is not hiding. Every time that acts to adopt a different look. Virus hoaxes, virus hoaxes usually arrive by e-mail.Virus: small ± or program that "infects" a computer, may cause undesirable effects and even irreparable.

WWAIS (Wide Area Information Servers):It is an information service before the World Wide Web that allows searching Indexed (shows the results in a list sorted by similarity to the search performed) for information. This system allows feedback to improve service for future searches.WAN (Wide Area Network):Network devices (computers, routers, printers and other network ....) occupies a large size. Normally used to connect smaller networks (LAN) apart. WAP (rotate Application Protocol):It is a protocol by which mobile phones can be connected to the Internet and display the information in the phone.WAV:Sound file format widely used in music.Web:It is an information system created by Swiss researchers of CERN. Is based on "hypertext." Users can create, edit and display hypertext documents. The Internet is accessible through browsers like Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.


XML (Extensible Markup Language):It is a markup language that allows users to tag content very easily. Do not have a fixed format. It has become a standard for exchanging data between applications.


Zip drive: removable media for data storage. Originally each zip disk could hold up to 100 MB (megabytes) or the equivalent of 70 floppy disks, the new version of the device can store up to 750 MB.Zip: file compression format.