Developing Glassware - Google Glass + Mirror API, A Guide



Google Glass Mirror API is a fast and easy way to get your content onto the google glass. This presentation shows, how to build an app using the google glass playground, supported languages and app examples. I also share how to build for Glass without a Google Glass - very useful for those of you outside of the USA or on the waiting list!

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The Glass is half full

Developing Glassware

What is Glassware Its not a mobile app with transparent background

Glass apps have different interactions from touchscreens

Glass apps are simple

What is Glassware

Time line Items – also known as cards

Time line Items – bundling

Elements of Glass App

Time line Menus – Default or custom

Glass App locations and contacts

Elements of Glass App

Can I develop glass apps


Glass Mirror API

Native vs Web*

* (mirror api)

Glass Mirror API

Glass Mirror API

Glassware Glass


HTTP (REST) Glass sync

Mirror API Example

Google OAuth Website

Mirror API playground

Develop apps without glass

Mirror Api Emulators Install glass APKs on Android

UnKnowns Advertisement?

Glass store launch? App commissions (free?)

In app purchase? And

What about iOS users L

Any Question?

Salman Sadiq @saalmaan
