Design of high speed low power multiplier using reversible logic a vedic mathematical approach




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Design of Locally-Clocked Asynchronous Finite State Machines Using

Synchronous CAD Tools


The main aim of the project is to design “Design of Locally-Clocked

Asynchronous Finite State Machines Using Synchronous CAD Tools”.


Controllers based on Synchronous Finite State Machines (SFSM) are widely

used in the control unit design of embedded digital systems. These systems present

critical requirements, such as power consumption, robustness, speed, etc. In this

context, the asynchronous paradigm shows interesting features that fit as an

alternative for the design, but the lack of appropriate tools and the high difficulty

of the design are already drawbacks. This paper proposes a new method to design

asynchronous FSM with local clock. The existence of a local clock reduces the

requirements of asynchronous logic, enabling the synthesis in any PLD, such as

CPLDs and FPGAs, without the need of satisfying any type of macro-cells

mapping. Furthermore, when compared to other methods found in literature, it uses

of conventional logic minimization tools that greatly facilitate the designing. The

proposed method starts from a popular specification known as Extended Burst

Mode (XBM) and uses a logic minimization synchronous tool for the synthesis.

The achieved results show a high potential of practical implementation of this

method for AFSM synthesis in PLDs.

V.Mallikarjuna (Project manager) Mobile No: +91-8297578555. ISO: 9001- 2000 CERTIFIED COMPANY Branches: Hyderabad & Nagpur


Fig: Proposed Architecture: AFSM with FC for PLD.

Fig: Architecture: AFSM with local clock.


Xilinx 9.2ISE, Modelsim6.4c.


V.Mallikarjuna (Project manager) Mobile No: +91-8297578555. ISO: 9001- 2000 CERTIFIED COMPANY Branches: Hyderabad & Nagpur

This method synthesizes the circuit in the “local clock” style, allowing

reducing the logic asynchronous requirements, and showing to be very

important in order to use synchronous tools.

The provided machines can be synthesized in any PLD, such as CPLDs and

FPGAs, without the need of satisfying any type of macro-cells mapping.


K. D. Muller-Glaser, et. al. “Multiparadigm Modeling in Embedded Systems

Design”, IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, vol. 12, no. 2.

J. J. Rodriguez, et. Al., “Features, Design Tools, and Applications Domains

of FPGAs”, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 54, No. 4, pp.1810-


P. P. Czapski and A. Sluzek, “A Survey on System-Level Techniques for

Power Reduction in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-Based

Devices”, The Second Int. Conf. on Sensor Technologies and Applications,


C. J., Myers, “Asynchronous Circuit Design”, Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2a


K. Y. Yun e D. L. Dill, "Automatic Synthesis of Extended Burst-Mode

Circuits: Part I (Specification and Hazard-.Free Implementation) and Part II

(Automatic Synthesis)," IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuit and

Systems, Vol. 18:2, pp. 101-132.

V.Mallikarjuna (Project manager) Mobile No: +91-8297578555. ISO: 9001- 2000 CERTIFIED COMPANY Branches: Hyderabad & Nagpur
