Debunking Common Myths of Mobile Application Development



Slides from an interactive panel discussion on the use of open source development tools for mobile business apps with guest, Sterling Hamilton, Lead Developer, Noble Studios View the slides here, or watch the webinar OnDemand: Presentation Highlights: -Why Phonegap may not be a suitable solution for enterprise apps -How to use open source ("free") dev tools effectively for enterprise mobility projects -How to avoid 9 common, critical mistakes when developing mobile apps for business

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February 20, 2013

Debunking Common MythsOf Mobile App Development

Welcome & Introductions

Your Host: Our Agenda:

2 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Have a question? Tweet us @AntennaSoftware or


Jon Duncan

Sr. Director, Product ManagementAntenna Software

Sterling Hamilton

Lead Developer

Noble Studios

Steve O’Brien

VP, Product MarketingAntenna Software


Introductions• Antenna Software

• Apps built for business, consumers

Mobile App Development• The Myths

• Corrections & clarifications

• Avoiding common pitfalls

Q & A

About Antenna

Antenna helps enterprises build, run and manage mobile applications and content.

Enabling enterprises to eliminate risk, lower costs, and stay future-proofed from the constant changes happening in our increasingly mobile society.3 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights


Cutting Edge Enterprise & Consumer Apps

4 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Mobile means less


© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Step #1: Native or Web?

There’s an app for that

If BYOD, then HTML5

PhoneGap is just fine for the enterprise

Faster is better – just get it out & fix it later


SSL is plenty secure

Give it to the agency – they’re the experts

Mobile, web, no diff

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Mobile means less


© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Step #1: Native or Web?

There’s an app for that

If BYOD, then HTML5

PhoneGap is just fine for the enterprise

Faster is better – just get it out & fix it later


SSL is plenty secure

Give it to the agency – they’re the experts

Mobile, web, no diff

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Native or Web?(hybrid is for people who can’t commit)

7 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.7

8 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Important Tradeoffs Affect More Than Just the Developers

Native Container

Web App

Mobile Browser

Web Code


Native Code


Device APIs

Web Code

Device APIs


Time to market, cost

9 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

So, Don’t Oversimplify The Decision

Our team is pretty good with HTML5,

CSS, and JavaScript…

so I guess web apps are the way to go.

We’ve got really talented Java jockeys, some Objective-C hackers, and solid Eclipse

experience. I’ll get us some SDKs and we’re off to the races

with native apps.

I’m not sure either of these bozos has

thought this through…




© 2



There’s More Than Just Web or Native or Hybrid


“Mixed Mode” NativeHybrid

- B2E app management

- Multiple web apps in a native shell

- Centrally managed & controlled

- Web code running in a mobile browser

- Developed in HTML5, JS, CSS

- Web & native code run in native shell

- Provides capabilities unavailable in pure web apps

- Access to all native device capabilities

- Robust backend services for secure, transaction-like app & data integrity

- Web code running in native shell

- Leverages some device capabilities


Mobile Browser

Web Code

Device APIs

Web Code

Native Container

Native Code

Device APIsDevice APIs

Native Code

Web Code

Native Container

Device APIs

Web Code

Web Code

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.10

Web HybridManaged

HybridMixed Mode

Native Native

Development Languages

HTML5, JavaScript, CSS

HTML5, JavaScript, CSS

HTML5, JavaScript, CSS

Java, Objective-C


Java, Objective-C

Development Tools

JQuery, Dojo, Sencha…

JQuery, Dojo, Sencha…

JQuery, Dojo, Sencha…

Native SDK + HTML5 Tools

Native SDK

Learning Curve

Best Better Better Good Good

App Performance

Good Better Better Best Best

UI/UX Control Good Better Better Best Best

Offline Capabilities

Limited Better Better Better Best

Security Limited Better Best Best Best

Device Integration(GPS, camera, calendar, etc.)

Very Limited Good Good Best Best

Typical apps / uses

Real-time small apps & B2C

mobile websitesProductivity B2E B2E & B2C

B2C & Very robust B2E

Required USER FunctionalityShould Drive the Decision

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.11

Mobile means less


© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Step #1: Native or Web?

There’s an app for that

If BYOD, then HTML5

PhoneGap is just fine for the enterprise

Faster is better – just get it out & fix it later


SSL is plenty secure

Give it to the agency – they’re the experts

Mobile, web, no diff

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

13 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

We embrace BYOD(so HTML5 is the way to go)

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.13

HTML5 May Be the Future,But Maybe Not the Present

“I think the biggest mistake we made as a company is betting too much on HTML5 as opposed to native, because it just wasn’t there.”

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.14

Mobile means less


© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Step #1: Native or Web?

There’s an app for that

If BYOD, then HTML5

PhoneGap is just fine for the enterprise

Faster is better – just get it out & fix it later


SSL is plenty secure

Give it to the agency – they’re the experts

Mobile, web, no diff

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

16 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Mobile, web, no diff

Making mobile apps requires the sameskillsets as web development

Mobile, Web, no diff

(Making mobile apps requires the sameskillsets as web development)

16 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.16

17 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Couldn’t be farther from the truth!

Mobile development can be done in a myriad of languages.

Many different platforms can be supported.

The user interaction is completely different in contrast to desktop.

Tracking conversions is a different ball game.

Performance tactics are night and day.

Underlying data architecture ismultifaceted in comparison.


Mobile means less


© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Step #1: Native or Web?

There’s an app for that

If BYOD, then HTML5

PhoneGap is just fine for the enterprise

Faster is better – just get it out & fix it later


SSL is plenty secure

Give it to the agency – they’re the experts

Mobile, web, no diff

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

19 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

PhoneGap makes everyone a mobile app


PhoneGap (is just fine for the


19 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.19

20 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

PhoneGap Is Great, But …

Perception Reality

Turns HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript code into native apps


Just load my code into PhoneGap Build, and head to the app store

Well … different platforms and versions have “quirks.” May need to use PhoneGap Generate for Xcode 4 compatibility and Cordova for command-line testing.

PhoneGap is all you need to build native apps

Hmmm, no … still need Xcode 4 and SDK for iOS, Eclipse and SDK for Android, JDK and WebWorks SDK for BlackBerry …

PhoneGap apps use device features just like a native app

Uhh … mostly. May need to write custom code or use specialized plugins for advanced features like SMS, NFC, or Bluetooth.

PhoneGap apps look and feel just like native

Not really. UI rendering and performance issues often reveal that PhoneGap apps aren’t quite native.

PhoneGap is free. Yes, but… PhoneGap is free & open source, but Corporate PhoneGap Support starts at $24k/year; Enterprise Support is more.

PhoneGap works equally well for B2C and enterprise apps (B2E)

Enterprise mobile apps typically require backend integration with enterprise systems & advanced security, not standard w/PhoneGap.

PhoneGap is a great solution for developing one-off apps that won’t need to evolve.


Two Different Types of Apps

• Attractive, responsive

• Cross-platform (optional)

• Inexpensive

• Findable

• Brand consistent

• Collaborative

• Commerce, advertising

• Attractive, responsive

• Cross-platform (required)

• Highly customized

• Management• apps, devices, data, users

• Deeply integrated

• Workflow

• Security, compliance

• Stateless, store & forward

• Monitoring

• Performance, scalability

• Over-the-air


21 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.21

Mobile means less


© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Step #1: Native or Web?

There’s an app for that

If BYOD, then HTML5

PhoneGap is just fine for the enterprise

Faster is better – just get it out & fix it later


SSL is plenty secure

Give it to the agency – they’re the experts

Mobile, web, no diff

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Give it to the agency

(do it right the first time)

23 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.23 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.23

Mobility Requires Rapid Iteration

Enterprise Applications Model Does Not Apply• Enterprise developers often design and build applications with 3-year

lifecycle goal

Mobile Apps Should Be Nimble• Devices evolve rapidly, 1-2 year lifetime

• New platform/OS features introduced regularly, 2-3 times/year or more

• User feedback is critical to mobile app adoption and successDesign & build


Analyze:•User feedback•Usage metrics•Performance metrics

Iterate“The perfect is the enemy of the good.”

Voltaire, 1772

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.24

Mobile means less


© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Step #1: Native or Web?

There’s an app for that

If BYOD, then HTML5

PhoneGap is just fine for the enterprise

Faster is better – just get it out & fix it later


SSL is plenty secure

Give it to the agency – they’re the experts

Mobile, web, no diff

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

26 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Faster is better(Just get it out and we’ll fix it later)

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.26

Enterprise Mobility is Not “One and Done”

App“Almost all the CIOs said they expect to deploy more than 25 mobility apps in next 2 years.”*


Source: “Mobility Disruption: A CIO Perspective,” McKinsey & Company, Sept. 2012

App 1

XHow to build the app?

How to deploy the app?

How to run the app?

How to manage the app?

How to secure the app?

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.27

Mobile means less


© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Step #1: Native or Web?

There’s an app for that

If BYOD, then HTML5

PhoneGap is just fine for the enterprise

Faster is better – just get it out & fix it later


SSL is plenty secure

Give it to the agency – they’re the experts

Mobile, web, no diff

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

29 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

SSL is secure enough

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.29

Enterprise Security Often Demands More Than Just SSL

Middleware Server

Users, DevicesEnterprise Backends









Retrieve & Submitenterprise systems must securely communicate with mobility servers

Queuing & Handlingenterprise security demands zero exposure and minimal replication within mobility servers

Transmissionsecure communication with devices via wireless networks (SSL works here!)

Data – encrypt and properly control device-resident dataUsers – authentication and authorization to enforce access controlApps – ensure proper apps permissions and controlled data access

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.30

31 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Enterprise Integration & Security

“Existing enterprise back-end applications are commonly built around technologies such as SOAP, XML-RPC, and SQL and are associated with strong authentication protocols.

These technologies don’t easily interface with mobile architectures and technologies such as REST, JSON, and OAuth — and this infrastructure mismatch often requires implementing a new tier on which to perform data transformation.”

Forrester Research, January 2013Michael Facemire

Mobile Feast Or Beggar’s Banquet?Landscape: The Mobile App Development Playbook

Often The Most Difficult Challenge For Mobile App Developers

Mobile means less


© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Step #1: Native or Web?

There’s an app for that

If BYOD, then HTML5

PhoneGap is just fine for the enterprise

Faster is better – just get it out & fix it later


SSL is plenty secure

Give it to the agency – they’re the experts

Mobile, web, no diff

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

33 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Mobile apps are always connected, so designing for state or connection speed

is a waste of timeMobile means less

33 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.33 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.33

34 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

False. Mobile is Driven by User Context.

Mobile means less


© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Step #1: Native or Web?

There’s an app for that

If BYOD, then HTML5

PhoneGap is just fine for the enterprise

Faster is better – just get it out & fix it later


SSL is plenty secure

Give it to the agency – they’re the experts

Mobile, web, no diff

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

36 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Mobile apps are always connected, so designing for state or connection speed

is a waste of timeThere’s an app for that

36 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.36 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.36

37 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

1,000,000 Apps

The 9 Myths

© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

Step #1: Native or Web?

There’s an app for that

If BYOD, then HTML5

PhoneGap is just fine for the enterprise

Faster is better – just get it out & fix it later

Mobile means less


SSL is plenty secure

Give it to the agency – they’re the experts

Mobile, web, no diff

Enterprise IntegrationProven


Unified integration point

Pre-built adapters

Scalability &


Millions of daily transactionsMessage monitoringCertified, multi-tenantCloud or on-premise



Network sensingApp tuningLatency avoidanceDetect most efficient pathOTA install, updates

Centralized ManagementDevices, dataApps, usersContentPerformanceUsage

Carrier Grade


Built in, automatedEnterprise caliberCertified (FIPS, PCI)Configurable per app

Future Proof

Write once

Any tool, any IDE

Every device

Native device features

Easy maintenance

Enterprises Need A Mobility Platform

40 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.40 © Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.40


© Copyright 2013 Antenna Software, Inc. All rights reserved.



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