DataEngConf SF16 - Routing Billions of Analytics Events with High Deliverability


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Routing billions of analytics events with high deliverability

Calvin French-Owen@calvinfo

This talk

- Constraints- Architecture- Monitoring and microservices

What problem are we solving?

- Thousands of incoming requests/second- Need to for real-time- Reliable fan-out- Hundreds of unreliable APIs

Our Constraints

- Delivery rate- End-to-end latency- Data fidelity

Golden Metrics

The Lifecycle of an Event

3 months post launch: 80 req/s

Segment V1

- Node everywhere- RabbitMQ- EC2/VPC- Mongo- Redis

API Layer

3 months post launch: 80 req/s

API Scaling

- Rabbit → NSQ- Node → Go- Making the edge stateless

- Removed AMQP (segmentio/nsq.js)- Co-located- Distributed- Simple and rock solid

Rabbit → NSQ

But there were still issues...

// parse the bodyvar body = JSON.parse(req.body);

// elsewhere...clone(body);

// parse the bodyvar body = JSON.parse(req.body);

// elsewhere...

clone(body); // ʽ



- Edge nodes are stateless- NSQ for simplicity and reliability- Go for parallelism

Scaling the API

Ingestion and fanout

- Queueing topology- Abstract everything- Sanely retry

Scaling the fanout

Queues give you flexibility and scheduling

Queues give you flexibility and scheduling

If you’re building 150 of anything, err on the side of over-abstraction

// Integration Factory

function createIntegration(name){

// Create the constructor to be passed back

function Integration(settings){

this.debug = debug('segmentio:integration:' + this.slug());

this.settings = settings;


} = name; // set the name

merge(Integration.prototype, proto); // add prototype methods

merge(Integration, statics); // add static methods

return Integration; // return the constructor


var MailChimp = module.exports = integration('MailChimp')

.channels(['server', 'mobile', 'client'])




.ensure('settings.listId', { methods: ['identify'] })


.mapper(mapper) // map our input to our output


Integration.prototype.track = function track(payload, fn){

var self = this;

return this

.get('/httpapi') // common request handling


.query({ api_key: this.settings.apiKey })

.query({ event: JSON.stringify(payload) })

.end(function(err, res){

if (err) return fn(err, res);

if ('invalid api_key' == res.text) return fn(self.error('invalid api_key'));

fn(null, res);



Retriesfunction status(err){

return err.status == 500

|| err.status == 502

|| err.status == 503

|| err.status == 504

|| err.status == 429;


function network(err){

return err.code == 'ECONNRESET'

|| err.code == 'ECONNREFUSED'

|| err.code == 'ECONNABORTED'

|| err.code == 'ETIMEDOUT'

|| err.code == 'EADDRINFO'

|| err.code == 'EHOSTUNREACH'

|| err.code == 'ENOTFOUND';


API Errors Network Errors

// retry strategy with exponential backoff

if (err.retry) {

var attempts = msg.attempts;

var timeout = jitter(15*Math.pow(attempts, 3));




Microservices & Monitoring

- Microservices everywhere- Docker for isolation- Use metrics religiously

Microservices & Monitoring

module "google-analytics" {

source = "./worker"

cluster = "integration-worker"

memory = "256"

cpu = "128"

name = "google-analytics"

version = "latest"

count = "${var.count}"


The more surface area you have, the more visibility you need.

Scaling your data pipeline

1. Queues not only define service boundaries, but scheduling

2. Microservices and workers can provide great visibility and scalability–as long as they are easy to boot

3. The bigger your surface area, the more visibility and metrics you will need to provide

What’s next?

- In search of fairness- Moving to Kafka- Standard microservice toolkit- Custom data transforms

What’s next?


