Cyber Threats From Neibhouring Countries



Karjan Basumatary has presented this PPT as a class participation at International School of Information Management, University of Mysore

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04/13/23IPR & Cyber law Presentaion by AKAA Group....1

Presented By: Karjan Basumatary

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• Introduction• Cyber threats Groups & Actors• The cyber threats Actors• Types of Threats and Attacks• Cyber threats from Neighbor• India’s stand on dealing Insurgency• Protection of Corporate network• Blue print for combating cyber threats• Conclusion• References


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A nuclear war may not be on the immediate horizon, but a cyber war is and it has the potential to bring major cities worldwide to a standstill, affecting everything from banking, traffic networks, hospitals and even electricity grids. These are now the focus of a new security front worldwide.

It’s pretty clear now there is underway a type of cyber arms race, both to be able to pick up and also to secure data per se, but also, in fact, to be able to target or to defend those countless crucial functions of a contemporary society.

What is Cyber Threat

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‘Cyber threat’ is a threat that percolates or infiltrates through the use of computers , internet or interconnected communication devices and could comprise of information stealth, cyber warfare, virus attacks, cyber terrorism, hacking attempts , phising,

sabotage, singly or in combination.

Cyber threat Groups & Actors

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EspionageState-sponsored or corporate electronic spyingTypically “open source” data collection

Terrorist groupsCovert communications channels

Criminal actionsCredit card theft, child pornography, copyright infringementSpyware and other unauthorized cyber tracking softwarePhishing emails and fake websitesEncrypting files followed by extortion to unencrypt.

HackersWorms, viruses, malicious software, website defacements,

and adolescent pranks

Types of Threats and Attacks

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MalwareBotnetsCyber warfareThreats to VOIP & Mobile


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Video of Cyber Threat

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Trends for Cyber threats

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Malicious attackers will install malware on social networking sites leading to increased phising scams, or stealing data,etc- browser level protection needed.

Hackers will install malcode within video content which will affect users accessing video clips.

Mash up technology used by web applications to combine data/media from multiple sources, locations and coding styles may lead to increased corporate espionage and other scams

Identity thefts will only increase and botnets will be used for corporate espionage and phising scams

Polymorphic exploitation- creation of unique exploit with each user request –signature based protection engines at network or host level fail .

Growing popularity of VOIP applications-instances of voice spam and voice phising or smishing will increase.

Targeted attacks -Attack activity through e-mail, Instant messaging ,P2P networks will increase

Denial of service affecting voice infrastructure

Cyber terrorist attacks will increase and lead to cyber warfare- threat to nation’s sovereignty

MMS scams will be on the rise and raise issues of defamation and invasion of privacy

Striking Facts

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According to a report compiled by Panda Labs, in 2008, 10 million bot computers were used to distribute spam and malware across the Internet each day.

Annual take by theft-oriented cyber criminals is estimated to be as high as 100 billion dollars and 97 per cent of these offences go undetected,-CBI's Conference on International Police Cooperation against Cyber Crime, March 2009.

Cyber Threats From Neighbors

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Pakistan & China towards Indian

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Pakistani cyber criminals are able to deface 50 to 60 Indian websites a day.

Chinese are constantly scanning and mapping India’s official networks.

China has mounted almost daily attacks on Indian computer networks, both government and private, showing its intent and capability.

The big attacks that were sourced to China over the last few months included an attack on NIC (National Informatics Centre), which was aimed at the National Security Council, and on the MEA.

Three main weapons - BOTS, key loggers and mapping of networks. 

India’s Stands on dealing Insurgency

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The Information Technology Act 2000 extends to whole of India and also applies to any offence or contraventions committed outside India by any person (s 1(2),IT Act 2000).

According to s 75 of the Act, the Act applies to any offence or contravention committed outside India by any person irrespective of his nationality, if such act involves a computer, computer system or network located in India.

Protection of Corporate network

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Information security – Securing widespread electronic collaboration while protecting data at rest, in motion, in use, and throughout the lifecycle,

Threat and vulnerability management - Staying ahead of emerging threats on all system components: network, server, and the strategic endpoint,

Identity and access management - Assuring that the right people have access to the right information and assets at the right time for the right reason,

Application security - Ensuring application and business process security across the software application lifecycle, and

Physical security - Integrating video surveillance and security solutions with industry-standard components.

Blue print for combating cyber threats

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To reduce vulnerability of country’s cyberspaceTo protect critical infrastructure and critical

information systems and services.To improve interdepartmental coordination

mechanisms for prevention, rapid response and recovery from attacks.

To advance legal mechanisms that support the goals of the cyber security strategy-recent changes in IT Act, 2000 and appointment of CERT as official agency of Government .

To launch awareness programs on cyber security To enhance international cooperation, promoting

cyber security culture and international agreements.

Beware of these 14 Cyber threats

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Anti-virus is not enough Social engineering as the primary attack vector Rogue security software vendors escalate their efforts Social networking third-party applications will be the target of fraud Windows 7 will come into the cross-hairs of attackers Fast Flux Botnets increase URL shortening services become the phisher's best friend Mac and mobile malware will increase Spam volumes will fluctuate Spammers breaking the rules Specialised malware CAPTCHA Technology will improve Instant messaging spam Non-English spam will increase


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Cyber threats continue to haunt Internet users across the world & cyber-threats are the problems of today and the future.

Though, India leads in IT services, it is lags behind as far as cyber security is concerned.

In dealing with cyber threats, a country cannot stand alone. There is a need to have strategic alliances to deal with threats and vulnerabilities in the cyber world.


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• PDF on Emerging Cyber Threats Report for 2009- Data, Mobility and Questions of Responsibility will Drive Cyber Threats in 2009 and Beyond by, the Georgia Tech Information Security Centre (GTISC) October 15, 2008

• Cyber Laws For Every Netizen in India (Version 2004) (With WSIS Declaration of Principles and Action Plan) Naavi- Na.Vijayashankar, MSc.,CAIIB,CIIF,AIMADM. ,

• ICTSD Programme on IPRs and Sustainable Development WIPO- June 2008

• A Report by the Business Software Alliance October2008


Thank you!!!

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