Copyright, Design And Patents Act (1980




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GCE Applied ICT – Unit 2

“…the ability to protect the creative work of an individual.”

Attempt to stop others in copying work and presenting it as there own.

Varies greatly depending on what country you live in.

In UK it is protected by the “Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (1980).

Computer Software Music and sound recordings Film Artwork Research work/educational essays Books and literature TV and radio broadcasts

If it doesn’t have a notice, it’s not copyrighted.

It’s not really a crime so I can’t get in trouble.

Everything I copy for class is Fair Use. If I don’t charge for it, it’s okay. The Internet is Public Domain so I can use

anything I find on the Internet

A chapter from a book An article from a p A short story, essay, or poem A graphic from a book, periodical, or news


10 percent of the work or 30 seconds from an individual musical work

“Emergency clause” for performances

Five images or less from one artist or photographer

No more than 10% or 15 images from a collection

No restrictions Must be “legally obtained” Purchase performance rights for

entertainment purposes

The Pirate Bay The Pirate bay is a Swedish search engine

which shows copyrighted material for download.

EMI job cuts Software Piracy
