Convergence _ Are You Ready for the Future of IT?


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#FutureOfIT #InternetofEverything #IoE

Are You Ready for the Future of IT?

The Nexus of Forces is the convergence and mutual reinforcement of social, mobility, cloud and information patterns that drive new business scenarios.

Source: Gartner, The Nexus of Forces: Social, Mobile, Cloud, and Information


Massive shifts in technology and consumption models for mobility, social, security, cloud, and programmable networks are providing unprecedented opportunities for innovation.


You can harness these forces to drive disruptive innovation.


You can harness these forces to drive disruptive innovation.


Disruptive innovation transforms industries.

You can harness these forces to drive disruptive innovation.


Disruptive innovation transforms industries.

Today is about shaping IT for the future.

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25 billion devices will be connected to the

Internet by 2015 and 50 billion by 2020.


Source: Cisco IBSG

In the face of ever-changing expectations, the opportunity requires that you respond quickly. Faster than ever before.



Do you have the infrastructure that allows you to be adaptive, agile and innovative?

In the face of ever-changing expectations, the opportunity requires that you respond quickly. Faster than ever before.


What can a new model for IT do for you?


Yesterday• Processes

have been manual and domain-centric

What can a new model for IT do for you?

• Processes will be automated and orchestrated across domains



Yesterday• Processes

have been manual and domain-centric

What can a new model for IT do for you?

• Processes will be automated and orchestrated across domains

• Applications have been rigid and controlled

• Applications will be dynamic and user-selected



Yesterday• Processes

have been manual and domain-centric

What can a new model for IT do for you?

• Processes will be automated and orchestrated across domains

• Applications have been rigid and controlled• Security has been uncoordinated

• Applications will be dynamic and user-selected

• Security is much more agile and proactive


$19 trillion in Internet of Everything value is at stake in the private ($14.4 trillion) and public ($4.6 trillion) sectors over the next decade, according to two recent Cisco studies.


Source: Cisco Consulting Services
