Contribute to rails



Talk given on 2011-11-24 at a Stockholm Ruby User Group meetup.

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To contribute

to Ruby

on Rails




I felt like that too!

It's not that hard…

Sure you can!

Thanks, Johannes Edelstam :)

We should have more of those.

Go to an Open Source Hacknight!

Find something you want to fix,


open issues and pull requests – don't duplicate work

First, fork Rails

Clone your repo

Add as upstream git remote

Set up a local copy

Use rvm or rbenv – tests give some warnings in 1.9.

Bundle install – I got warnings about journey, but it works.

Bundle exec rake test – takes about 30 mins on my laptop.

Get the tests running

Pick a good branch name. Others will see it.

Clear, concise code as always! Follow the Rails coding style.

Write tests, and make sure all tests pass.

Have someone else look at the code. (Thanks, David Billskog)

Create a branch and go to work

First, fetch from upstream and rebase your work.

Push your branch to origin – your github repo.

Go to your new branch on github.

Push the magic Pull Request button.

Push to github & do a Pull Request

Explain your code and why it should be merged into Rails.

Your message starts a discussion thread.

If you need to make changes, do them and push them. The pull request will be automatically updated.

Help the Rails team. Be kind. In return, they'll help you.

Pull Request primer


That was easy

Add a new remote docrails:

Create a new docrails branch, set to track docrails remote.

Make documentation fixes and push them straight up.

Boom! You're a contributor!

But there's a quicker way…

Now you're one of THEM

Happy camper ->


RailsGuides: Contributing to Ruby on Rails

Rails BugMash Guide

Railscasts #300 Contributing to Open Source
