Compliance techniques mette morell scloa



Definitions, explanations of compliance techniques IB Psych Mette Morell

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Compliance techniquesMM Nørre G IB Psych

Learning Outcomes

Explain how principles that define the socio-cultural level of analysis may be demonstrated in research.

Discuss how and why particular research methods are used at the socio-cultural level of analysis.

Discuss ethical considerations related to research studies at the socio-cultural level of analysis.

Discuss the use of compliance techniques.

Compliance = following requests

Definition of Compliance

Compliance refers to the act of responding favorably to an explicit or implicit request offered by others.

The request may be explicit, such as a direct request for donations, or implicit, such as an advertisement promoting its products without directly asking for purchase.

In all cases, the target recognizes that he or she is being urged to respond in a desired way.

R. Cialdini has outlined a series of techniques. Explain them:

Use the Internet to find explications… Note that answers are on the next slide.

Principle of reciprocity 

Principle of commitment 

Principle of scarcity 

Principle of conformity or consensus

Principle of authority 

Principle of liking  

We are all victims of…

Principle of reciprocity - we tend to reciprocate; if someone does something for you (such as, lowering the price of their product), then you feel more obligated to do something for them (like buy the product).

Principle of commitment - if you make a small commitment, then you will be more likely to commit to something larger in the future (e.g., just buy a single book, then you'll be more likely to buy all the other books that the Time/Life company will regularly send you).

Principle of scarcity - we dislike feeling that we can't have something, so we desire the scarce object more (e.g., "limited edition," only so many will be made).

We are all victims of…

Principle of conformity or consensus - if everybody has one, then I need it too (e.g., "This is the fastest growing or most popular product in the country").

Principle of authority - we are more likely to comply (i.e., buy a product) if an "authority" endorses the product. The "authority" can be an actual authority figure, such as a medical doctor endorsing a vitamin supplement, or the "authority" can simply be someone who is popular or respected (e.g., a celebrity endorsing a product).

Principle of liking - we are more likely to buy a product from someone we like (e.g., a friend or relative having a Tupperware party, or people being more likely to buy a product from people who are similar to themselves).

Principle of Liking in Action, right?

BTW: this commercial stirred up the waters in the US recently due to its alleged racial bias.

Research by Regan (1977) What principle is appealed to here?

Dennis Regan (1971) A participant and a confederate were asked to rate pieces of art. In the control group, the confederate left the room for a break and then returned after a two-minute break. In the treatment condition, the confederate returned with two bottles of coke - one for him and one for the participant.

After the paintings had been rated, the confederate asked the participant to do him a favor. He said that he was selling raffle tickets for a new car and that if he sold the most tickets, he would get a prize of $50. The confederate sold twice as many raffle tickets to the participants who had received the coke.

Explain/Define these Techniques

Door in the Face

Foot in the Door

Low Balling


Techniques Defined

Door in the Face – aim higher than your actual goal

Foot in the Door – make people commit a little bit – then they will be more likely to commit more.

Low Balling – give people a chance to commit to less (your actual goal)

Hazing – make people go through hell to attain something; that makes them value it more

The Door in the Face Technique? Or low balling?

Door in the Face

Aim higher than your actual goal when you request behavior: Make a request that will surely be turned down, and then ’give a little’, and accept a less favorable deal (your actual goal).

In what way did Cialdini (1975) use this technique?

”People are more likely

to comply with small requests, if they are asked to do very large requests first. Then the small request seems more reasonable, because it is after the large unreasonable request.

Give examples

Foot in the DoorDickerson et al (1992)

What was the aim of Dickerson’s study?

What was the procedure?

What was the result?

Any ethical concerns?

Describe the role of cognitive dissonance in the participants’ behavior.

Can you come up with other contexts where the technique might be useful?

Read the abstract of Dickerson’s study here:

Low Balling and Hazing

Low-ball technique refers to a strategy to gain compliance by making a very attractive initial offer to get a person to agree to an action and then making the terms less favourable.

Describe Cialdini (1974) 

Give other examples

Here is a video that deals with Hazing which is sometimes really dangerous.

SAQ: explain one compliance technique with reference to research.

Write an outline of an SAQ. What steps would you take? How would you spend your 250 words? Watch this videotalk that takes you through the steps.

On the next slide, I have written the first paragraph of a possible answer. See if you can complete it.


Compliance refers to the act of responding favorably to an explicit or implicit request offered by others. One compliance technique is the foot in the door technique. This technique is applied by e.g. advertisers or petitioners to make people commit a little bit to a purchase or a case, because then they will be more likely to commit more later on. (62 words)

What is the next step?

Can you finish answer?
