Comm, Truth Validity Anush Garibyan



Anush Garibyan

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By: Anush Garibyan

~ Communication is the process of communicating by one or more persons, sending and receiving messages that are brought by noise, context, effects, and having an opportunity for feedback.

Sender Message Channel Receiver

"We have two ears and one mouth.  Therefore, we should listen twice as much as we speak."



Face-to Face Speaking


What is Truth?

*According to the Dictionary: the true or actual state of a matter

• People define truth as: “Truth is that which conforms to reality, fact, or actuality." 

• A “final test” of right or wrong of peoples ideas and beliefs

•Truth is the complete accuracy of propositions, statements, sentences, assertions and beliefs

• For any subject..there can be only ONE truth

•Truth is the complete accuracy of whatever was, is, or will be, error-proof, beyond doubt, dispute or debate

•The threshold for truth is measured as absolute certainty

-Truth is the secret of eloquence and of virtue, the basis of moral authority; it is the highest summit of art and of life. - Henri Frederic Amiel

According to a text: "Something cannot bring itself into existence."  This is an absolutely true statement.  In order for something to bring itself into existence, it would have to exist in order to be able to perform an action. In other words..Truth does Exist.

What is Validity?

•Dictionary Definition: the state or quality of being valid

• Validity: to question how valid an argument is

•Being sure of your decision making..being certain about a situation

•Validity is based on external information and can be changed

Don’t get confused with facts!! Its “Validity” that you use to make decisions and maintain position in arguments

* Arguing for the most valid position promotes open-mindedness

* The threshold for validity is measured using the entire Continuum of Certainty

*When an argument is Valid, we refer it to Internal Consistency.

*Validity is the strength of our conclusions, inferences, or propositions.

Continuum of Certainty___________________________________





Where we are sure enough about an argument to except a conclusion..

Continuum of Certainty is a measurement of Validity

* Critical Thinkers use Validity to make decisionsNot….Truth

Remember..A critical thinker is always learning!!

* Where Truth is absolute..more valid positions are created with the discovery of new evidence.

* Truth is a proven fact while Validity is a hypothesis to prove a point
