Code Quality Practice and Tools



Why you should write quality code and how to effectively use tools to do it.

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Code Quality

Paulin Solutions LLC

Paulin Solutions LLC

Have code will travel•Mobile Web Development•CMS/Portal (Liferay Adobe CQ 5.x)•Delivery Innovation


• Why bother writing quality code?• What is Code Quality• Components of Code Quality• Tools• Final Thoughts/Discussion

Why Bother?

What your client sees

What you see

The Psychology of Computer Programming

Gerald Weinberg

Programming is a social activity

CODE – It's not just for computers anymore!

Why would you do this to another Human Being!?!?

What is Code Quality?


Good or Bad?protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {if(req != null){

if(req.getParameter("type") != null){

String reqType = req.getParameter("type");

if(reqType == "FOO")//Do something


Good or Badprotected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {

String type = req.getParameter("type");if(FORWARD_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(type)){

countForward(req, resp);}else if(BACKWARD_TYPE.equalsIgnoreCase(type)){

countBackwards(req, resp);}else{

throw new RuntimeException("This type is not supported.");


Bad Code Smells!

I've learned to live with the smell why else should I care?

Reduce Bugs

Lower Maintenance Effort

It's Easier to Extend Good Code

Create Good Code Karma

Give your client the warm and fuzzy feeling.

Quality Code = Trust

Components of Code Quality

Good Code Should Work!


Components should be testable

Hard to Test

private void addPlayerObjects()

/* the physical objects are the enclosing box and its spheres */


// create the spheres

players = new PlayerManager(sceneBG, world, collSpace, BLUE, RED);

// need to add DLL files ElementXML.dll, Java_sml_ClientInterface.dll,

// and SoarKernalSML.dll to java.library.path

IFormation offFormation = new FndtFormation(


IFormation defFormation = new FndtFormation(


InitFootballAgents initTask = new InitFootballAgents(positions,

offFormation, defFormation);

FormationSoarTask task = new FormationSoarTask(playText, offFormation,







} catch (Exception e)



JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e.getMessage(), "Soar Error",



Easy to test

public ModelAndView welcome(HttpServletRequest request,

HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

return new ModelAndView("", "data", dataManager);


public ModelAndView openMenu(HttpServletRequest request,

HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

return new ModelAndView("topNav.comp", "data", dataManager);


public ModelAndView manageUsers(HttpServletRequest request,

HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

return new ModelAndView("", "userList", dietDaoService.getUsers());


Rule of thumb for writing

testable code...

Practice good design!

Good code should be easy

to maintain


Stay DRY

Avoid Excessive Complexity

Ummmmmm that sounds like a lot of


Making sure it works

Benefits of Functional Test Frameworks

Test often Self Documenting Code Fearlessly

Making sure it's tested

• Cobertura• Emma• Clover• Jacoco• DevPartner

Benefits of Code Coverage Tools

Know where your risk is Help with Debugging Determine what your QA is doing

Making sure it's maintainable

• PMD• FindBugs• DevPartner

Benefits of Static Analysis

Find bugs before you check in code Enforce Coding Standards Low effort code reviews

Putting it all together

Benefits of Sonar

Single Dashboard to display test results, coverage, static analysis.

Drill down into the code with syntax highlighting

Issue Assignment and workflow Simple build integration

Parting thoughts

Don't write crappy code. I

know where you live.
