Code for America & the War on Git



Two-part Ignite-format talk to Code for Boston: (1) what is Code for America really, and what do fellows do? (2) what is Git and GitHub really, why is there something wrong with it, and what could be better?

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Code for America& theUpcoming War on Git

Nick Doiron || @mapmeld

Code for AmericaGov’t <-> Hackers

Designers? Developers?

Code for America: Cities

Code for America: Softwares

Cities can be OLD FASHIONED

Meet people where they work

Follow every lead

Follow the data

Your user has enough problems

Share it on GitHub

Take the good, leave the bad

Problem 1: What?

Problem 2: Death Star

Problem 3: Build-up

Facebook ran out of commits

Rise Up

DAT = git for data

GeoGit = git for maps

It’s all very exciting

✤ Apply to Code for America by tomorrow night

✤ Yes, right now✤ Contact me: @mapmeld