Clean & Dirty Acceptance Tests with Cucumber & Watir




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iRedeem Testing Automation Strategy


Levels of Automated Testing


Levels of Automated Testing


Levels of Automated Testing

Unit Tests


Levels of Automated Testing

Unit Tests

System Integration Tests


Levels of Automated Testing

Unit Tests

System Integration Tests

Acceptance Criteria Tests


Levels of Automated Testing

Unit Tests

System Integration Tests

Acceptance Criteria Tests

Regression Testing


Levels of Automated Testing

Unit Tests PHP Unit

System Integration Tests

Acceptance Criteria Tests

Regression Testing


Levels of Automated Testing

Unit Tests PHP Unit

System Integration Tests ??

Acceptance Criteria Tests

Regression Testing


Levels of Automated Testing

Unit Tests PHP Unit

System Integration Tests ??

Acceptance Criteria Tests Cucumber & Watir

Regression Testing


Levels of Automated Testing

Unit Tests PHP Unit

System Integration Tests ??

Acceptance Criteria Tests Cucumber & Watir

Regression Testing [Everything]


Disadvantages of UI Automation using Selenium

or Watir


Disadvantages of UI Automation using Selenium or Watir


Disadvantages of UI Automation using Selenium or Watir



Disadvantages of UI Automation using Selenium or Watir


Time-consuming to Write and Maintain


Disadvantages of UI Automation using Selenium or Watir


Time-consuming to Write and Maintain

Time-consuming to Execute


An Aside: Why does execution time matter?


An Aside: Why does execution time matter?

Sagar checks in code and the tests run


An Aside: Why does execution time matter?

Sagar checks in code and the tests run

Bogdan checks in code an hour later. The tests run


An Aside: Why does execution time matter?

Sagar checks in code and the tests run

Bogdan checks in code an hour later. The tests run

Two hours later, the build has broken.


An Aside: Why does execution time matter?

Sagar checks in code and the tests run

Bogdan checks in code an hour later. The tests run

Two hours later, the build has broken.

Who broke it?


Someone would have to bother checking


Disadvantages of UI Automation using Selenium or Watir


Time-consuming to Write and Maintain

Time-consuming to Execute


How do we minimize these disadvantages?


How do we minimize these?


How do we minimize these?

1. Reduce the number of tests.


How do we minimize these?

1. Reduce the number of tests.

2. Reduce the coupling between tests and data (or make our own data)


How do we minimize these?

1. Reduce the number of tests.

2. Reduce the coupling between tests and data (or make our own data)

3. Reduce the time it takes to write and modify tests.


1. Business Acceptance Criteria


Business Acceptance Criteria


Business Acceptance Criteria

Core User Paths


Business Acceptance Criteria

Core User Paths

Business-critical Stuff


Business Acceptance Criteria

Core User Paths

Business-critical Stuff

Cannot be allowed to fail


Business Acceptance Criteria

Core User Paths

Business-critical Stuff

Cannot be allowed to fail

Run on CI with every commit


Business Acceptance Criteria

Core User Paths

Business-critical Stuff

Cannot be allowed to fail

Run on CI with every commit

Small and very maintainable


2. Test Data


Test Data


Test Data

Defaults Stored in YAML files


Test Data

Defaults Stored in YAML files

Koinos and Megento Web APIs used


Test Data

Defaults Stored in YAML files

Koinos and Megento Web APIs used

Scenario Independence


3. Abstractions and Data Models


3. Abstractions and Data Models

Data from YAML Files easily available




3. Abstractions and Data Models

Data from YAML Files easily available


3. Abstractions and Data Models

Data from YAML Files easily available

Data Models to maintain state between steps



3. Abstractions and Data Models

Data from YAML Files easily available

Data Models to maintain state between steps


3. Abstractions and Data Models

Data from YAML Files easily available

Data Models to maintain state between steps

And for Comparison



3. Abstractions and Data Models

Data from YAML Files easily available

Data Models to maintain state between steps

And for Comparison


3. Abstractions and Data Models

Data from YAML Files easily available

Data Models to maintain state between steps

And for Comparison

UI automation for often-used Model-tasks




3. Abstractions and Data Models

Data from YAML Files easily available

Data Models to maintain state between steps

And for Comparison

UI automation for often-used Model-tasks


3. Abstractions and Data Models

Data from YAML Files easily available

Data Models to maintain state between steps

And for Comparison

UI automation for often-used Model-tasks

Page Objects to represent pages under test



Exploratory Testing with Cucumber


Exploratory Testing with Cucumber


Exploratory Testing with Cucumber

Needs to be quick


Exploratory Testing with Cucumber

So it will probably be dirty


Separating Concerns

Clean Code Dirty Code

Must always Pass

Business AC

Small Suite

Can switch off

Bugs / Fine-grained

Larger Suite


Exploratory Testing with Cucumber


Given a Bug…


Given a bug…


Given a bug…

1. Write a quick (and brittle) feature file



Given a bug…

1. Write a quick (and brittle) feature file


Given a bug…

1. Write a quick (and brittle) feature file

2. Write some quick (and dirty) step definitions



Given a bug…

1. Write a quick (and brittle) feature file

2. Write some quick (and dirty) step definitions


Given a bug…

1. Write a quick (and brittle) feature file

2. Write some quick (and dirty) step definitions

3. Check it Fails correctly


Given a bug…

1. Write a quick (and brittle) feature file

2. Write some quick (and dirty) step definitions

3. Check it Fails correctly

4. Commit and assign ticket to Devs


When it comes back to FT?


When it comes back to FT?

$ rake t @jira-ird-787


Regression Testing


If a Dirty Test Fails?


If a Dirty Test Fails?

Is it the test, or the product?


If a Dirty Test Fails?

Is it the test, or the product?

Fix the test


If a Dirty Test Fails?

Is it the test, or the product?

Fix the test

Or turn it off!


Separating Concerns

Business AC Given… When… Then…

Dirty ScenariosYAML Data

Data Models EnvConfig Product Category Member

Page Objects DashboardPage MemberLoginPage

ProductDetailsPage etc…

Step Definitions Step Definitions

Dirty Page Objects


Dirty > Clean




That’s It
