Cisco Global Cloud Index (2015-2020)


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Growth In the Cloud

Global Data Center Tra�c is projected to more than triple between 2015 and 2020, with cloud tra�c within data centers forecast to nearly quadruple during that period.

TraditionalData Center Tra�c

CloudData Center Tra�c

By 2020, 92% of global data center tra�c will come from cloud services and applications

How Much Data Is 15.3 Zettabytes?

How Do These Tra�c Types Contribute to the Overall Data Center Tra�c?





Total DataCenter Tra�c



4.7 ZB

15.3 ZB





1 zettabyte (ZB) is equal to sextillion bytes, or a trillion gigabytes.

Di�erences In Regional Network Behavior and Resources In�uence Data Growth. Internet Ubiquity Varies By Region

Regional Fixed and Mobile Device Ownership and Connections In�uence Cloud Readiness

Here are the regional projections for �xed Internet adoption as a percentage of

the population by 2020:

Here is the projected regional growth for �xed Internet adoption between 2015 and 2020:

Fixed Internet UsersRegion Increases (or Deltas), 2015 to 2020 (in alphabetical order)

Fixed Internet Users by 2020Region (in alphabetical order)


Here are the regional projections for mobile Internet

adoption as a percentage of the population by 2020:

Here is the projected regional growth for mobile Internet adoption between 2015 and 2020:

Mobile Internet UsersRegion Increases (or Deltas), 2015 to 2020 (in alphabetical order)

Mobile Internet Users by 2020

Region (in alphabetical order)


Here are the regions that had the largest average number of �xed and mobile devices

and machine-to-machine (M2M) connections per

Internet user in 2015:

Here are regions projected to have the largest average number of �xed and mobile devices and M2M connections per Internet user by 2020:

Average Devices per Internet User by Region by 2020 (in numerical order; top 3 regions)

Average Devices per Internet User by Region in 2015

(in numerical order; top 3 regions)




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Cloud Traf f ic and Workloads



136 millioncloud workloads

3.9 ZB

440 millioncloud workloads

14.1 ZB

Cloud tra�c willquadruple between2015 and 2020

About 92% of all workloads will be cloud based by 2020. Cloud workloads are growing signi�cantly (26% compound annual growth rate [CAGR]), while traditional data center workloads are declining (–3% CAGR).

Source: Cisco® Global Cloud Index, 2016

2015 2020

Fixed Compared to Mobile







Asia Paci�c

Central and Eastern Europe

Latin America

Middle East andAfrica

North America

Western Europe

Asia Paci�c

Central and Eastern Europe

Latin America

Middle East and Africa

North America

Western Europe













Asia Paci�c

Central and Eastern Europe

Latin America

Middle East andAfrica

North America

Western Europe

Asia Paci�c

Central and Eastern Europe

Latin America

Middle East and Africa

North America

Western Europe







8.1 13.1North America

6.3 10.3


Western Europe


Middle East andAfrica

Central andEastern Europe

1.7 trillion hours of ultra-high de�nition (UHD) video streaming

213 trillion hours of streaming music

38 trillion hours of business web conferencing with a webcam

Equivalent to about 36 minutes of daily streamed UHD video for every member of the world’s population in 2020 (7.8B people)

Equivalent to about 38 months of continuous music streaming for every member of the world’s population in 2020

Equivalent to about 30 hours of daily web conferencing for every member of the world’s workforce in 2020

1.7 trillion

213 trillion

38 trillion

Some tra�c �ows between the data center and end users, some tra�c �ows between data centers, and some tra�c stays within the data center.

Where Does This Data Center Tra�c Originate?

By 2020, tra�c between data centers and end users will reach 2.2 ZB annually (14% of total data center tra�c).

1.4 ZB (9%) will come from tra�c between

data centers, such as replication and

interdatabase links.

But the vast majority of data center tra�c, 11.7 ZB (77%), will still be coming from within the data center, such as storage,

production, development, and authentication tra�c.
