Ch 0 introduction to se422


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Introduction to SE422Software Quality Assurance

Software EngineeringCollege of Arts, Media and Technology ,CMU.

Kittitouch S.1.1-29-10-12



3 Credits

Prerequisite: SE 202 (953202) Introduction to SE

Course Description

1. Objective and concepts of software quality

2. Quality Factors3. Software quality assurance standards4. Quality assurance process and activities5. Software reviews6. Software configuration management7. Traceability8. verification and validation.

Course Objectives

After completing this course, students will be able to:

1. explain the components of quality factor.2. apply quality assurance and verification and

validation software engineering standards. 3. apply quality assurance process and activities

with software development process.4. use the techniques of verification and

validation in software development.5. apply the main functions software configuration

management with the software quality process.

Course Texts

Daniel Galin. SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE From theory to implementation.

Course Texts

G. Gordon Schulmeyer. Handbook of Software Quality Assurance.

Course Contents

Topic HourIntroduction to Quality Assurance 3Software Quality Factor 6The Components of the Software quality assurance system 3Development and Quality plan 6Integrating quality activities in the project life cycle 3Software Reviews 6Software Configuration Management 6Cost of Software Quality 3Traceability and verification 3SQA for Small Project 6 

Total 45

Note: Some topics of the contents might be subject to change or add without notice in advance.

Course Requirements

Lectures in class (3 hours per week) Quizzes and Assignment(paper/web) Reading assignments Self Study Midterm and final exams

Grading System

The semester grade is computed:Attendance 5% Quizzes 10%Assignment and Homework 25%Midterm Examination 30 %Final Examination 30 %



Attendance and Grade Policies

Any late submissions for the assignment and/or coursework will penalties or NOT be accepted.

Over 15 minute late two times is class absence. Also, if students must be absent, please notify the lecturer before the date of their absence.

The student who has percentage attendance less than 80% not allow to taking exam.

The student who does not take the final exam will fail this course.

The evaluation is based on group standard (T-score).

2012 Statistic

Grade feq.A 8B+ 12B 16C+ 17C 10D+ 5D 2F 2

72GPA 2.771429min 27.22max 90.57avg 72.57

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